Precision medicine,Medicine,Chinese traditional,Western medicine,Integrative medicine," /> Precision medicine,Medicine,Chinese traditional,Western medicine,Integrative medicine,"/>
Journal of Integrative Medicine ›› 2017, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 1-7.doi: 10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60314-5
Special Issue: Traditional Chinese Medicine
• Editorial • Next Articles
Wen-jian Wanga,b, Teng Zhangb,c
1 Mei T, Zhang Y, Hu S, Yang HM, Zhou Y.Construction of precision medicine system and its challenges. 2 Yang JF, Noffsinger A, Sreenarasimhaiah J, Yang Q.Mo1683 colorectal cancers with/without DNA mismatch repair defi ciency and tumor distribution patterns from 5 088 patients. 3 Yan W, Zhang A, Powell MJ.Genetic alteration and mutation profiling of circulating cell-free tumor DNA (cfDNA) for diagnosis and targeted therapy of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. 4 Liontos M, Anastasiou I, Bamias A, Dimopoulos MA.DN A damage, tumor mutational load and their impact on immune responses against cancer. 5 Baek JH, Sun JM, Min YJ, Cho EK, Cho BC, Kim JH, Ahn MJ, Park K.Efficacy of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with EG FR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer except both exon 19 deletion and exon 21 L858R: a retrospective analysis in Korea. 6 Jang SH.Long te rm therapeutic plan for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutation. 7 Anderson WF, Rosenberg PS, Katki HA.Tr acking and evaluating molecular tumor markers with cancer registry data: HER2 and breast cancer. 8 Wong IO, Schooling CM, Cowling BJ, Leung GM.Br east cancer incidence and mortality in a transitioning Chinese population: current and future trends. 9 Recondo G Jr, de la Vega M, Galanternik F, Díaz-Cantón E, Leone BA, Leone JP. Nove l approaches to target HER2- positive breast cancer: trastuzumab emtansine. 10 Meers C, Keskin H, Storici F.DNA repair by RNA: templated, or not templated, that is the question. 11 Marshall E.Huma n genome 10th anniversary. Waiting for the revolution. 12 Editorial. Best is yet to come. 13 Check Hayden E.Huma n genome at ten: life is complicated. 14 National Research Council.Toward precision medicine: building a knowledge network for biomedical research and a new taxonomy of disease. Washington DC: National Academies Press. 2011. 15 Wu JR.Precision medicine based on systems biology. 16 16 Luo CS, Liu XJ. The problems we faced in development of precision medicine. (2015-06-10) [2016-08-10]. . The problems we faced in development of precision medicine. (2015-06-10) [2016-08-10]. http:// 17 Yang GZ, Su XH, Wu XF, Dai XJ, Yang LY, Pan CZ.Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the proximal promoter region of the adiponectin gene with TCM syndromes in patients with type 2 diabetes. 18 Liu Q, Ling JY, Li XD, Zhang CZ, Song QL, Tan J, Huang J, Peng XM, Wang JP, Wu JH.Associations of rs3820998 polymorphism in TANK gene with syndrome types of TCM of hepatitis B related cirrhosis. 19 Shen ZY, Huang JH, Chen WH. Comparison of gene expression profiles between rats of Shen deficiency syndrome and Shen-yang defi ciency syndrome differentiated according to therapeutic effi cacy of drugs used. 20 Fan X, Shi M, Wang Y, Liang Q, Luo G.Tran scriptional profi ling analysis of HMP-treated rats with experimentally induced myocardial infarction. 21 Zhu H, Luo XP, Wang LJ, Li Y, Shi HM, Fan WH, Dai HR.Evaluation on clinical effect of long-term Shexiang Baoxin pill administration for treatment of coronary heart disease. 22 Luo XP, Li Y, Fan WJ, Zhang GF, Zhang J, Shi HM, Wang CP, Wang SY, Dai RH.Experimental study on reducing effect of Shexiang Baoxin pill from damage of arterial wall caused by hyperlipemia. 23 Zhang RX, Liu HJ. Treatment of unstable angina pectoris with Shexiang Baoxin pills combined with clopidogrel. 24 Gan L, Ling YJ, Zhu LP.Experience of the treatment of mild hypertension with increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. 25 Song KY, Wei YJ, Li LT.Effects of Shexiang Baoxin pills on coronary flow reserve in patients with slow coronary flow. 26 Shen W, Fan WH, Shi HM, Li Y, Luo XP, Zhang XL, Zhu J, Jin B, Li J, Pan JJ. Effects of Shexiang Baoxin pill on angiogenesis in atherosclerosis plaque and ischemic myocardium. 27 Chen Y, Fu DY, Chen Y, He YM, Fu XD, Xu YQ, Liu Y, Feng XT, Zhang T, Wang WJ.Effe cts of Chinese herbal medicine Yiqi Huaju Formula on hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 28 Wang TZ, Chen Y, He YM, Fu XD, Wang Y, Xu YQ, Yang HJ, Xue HL, Liu Y, Feng XT, Zhang T, Wang WJ.Effe cts of Chinese herbal medicine Yiqi Huaju Qingli Formula in metabolic syndrome patients with microalbuminuria: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. 29 Zhang Z, Xue HL, Liu Y, Wang WJ.Yi-Qi-Zeng-Min-Tang, a Ch inese medicine, ameliorates insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic rats. 30 Feng XT, Wang TZ, Leng J, Chen Y, Liu JB, Liu Y, Wang WJ.Palm itate contributes to insulin resistance through down-regulation of the Src-mediated phosphorylation of Akt in C2C12 myotubes. 31 Feng X, Wang W, Liu J, Liu Y.β-Arrestins: multi functional signaling adaptors in type 2 diabetes. 32 Ya ng Q, Jia C, Wang P, Xiong M, Cui J, Li L, Wang W, Wu Q, Chen Y, Zhang T. MicroR NA-505 identified from patients with essential hypertension impairs endothelial cell migration and tube formation. 33 Ga o S, Wang P, Hua Y, Xi H, Meng Z, Liu T, Chen Z, Liu L. ROR fu nctions as a ceRNA to regulate Nanog expression by sponging miR-145 and predicts poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer. 34 Hu J, Qiu M, Jiang F, Zhang S, Yang X, Wang J, Xu L, Yin R.MiR-14 5 regulates cancer stem-like properties and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in lung adenocarcinoma-initiating cells. 35 Yi JH, Shi WD, Liu LM.The recipe of Qingyi Huaji in treating advanced pancreatic cancer against expression of MMP-2. 36 Zhang JJ, Chen Z, Shi WD, Zhu XY, Liu LM.Effect of Qingyi Huaji Formula on serum immunosuppressive factors and immune function of splenic lymphocytes in mice with pancreatic cancer. |
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