Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2011, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (10): 1075-1082.doi: 10.3736/jcim20111007
Special Issue: Traditional Chinese Medicine
• Original Clinical Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jing Shi, Ming-qing Wei, Fu-yun Ma, Ying-chun Miao, Jin-zhou Tian()
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[1] | Ying-chun Miao , Jin-zhou Tian , Jing Shi , Min Mao , Xiao-dong Zhao , Li-yan Fang , Chui-you Zeng , Jian-ping Liu , Zhi-liang Wang , Xiao-bin Li. Correlation between cognitive functions and syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2009, 7(3): 205-211. |
[2] | Qin Zhang, Ping Liu, Hui-fen Cheng, Liang Chen, Su-hua Cao, Ying Liu, Jian-jun Wei, Zhi-hong Fang, Ding-zhong Wu. Clinical investigation on characteristics of traditional Chinese medical syndrome of hepatocirrhosis. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2003, 1(2): 108-112. |