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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2012, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1): 59-66.doi: 10.3736/jcim20120110

• Original Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Facial spectrum and color characteristics of five viscera reflecting on the face in sub-health status

Wu Hong-jin,Xu Jia-tuo(),Lu Lu-ming,Chen Xiao,Tu Li-ping,Zhang Zhi-feng   

  1. Fei Zhaofu Famous Doctor Research Laboratory, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
  • Received:2011-07-05 Accepted:2011-08-09 Online:2012-01-20 Published:2018-09-21
  • Contact: Xu Jia-tuo

OBJECTIVE: To observe the facial spectrum and color of different points, the positions of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of traditional Chinese medicine reflecting on the face, in healthy participants and those with a sub-health status, so as to provide an objective basis for health evaluation.METHODS: The health condition of 470 subjects without acute and chronic conditions was assessed using the Health Evaluating Questionnaire H20 V2009. The subjects were diagnosed with health (more than 80 score) or sub-health (score between 60 and 80) status according to the questionnaire score. The subjects with a sub-health status were also analyzed using the five-viscera syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine using the form for collecting information according to the four examinations. Then for gathering the facial color information, CIE L*a*b and C values and reflections of wavelengths ranged from 400 to 700 nm were measured using a CM-2600D spectrophotometer on 8 points of the face, including the frontal part, glabellas, nose, mandible, two cheeks and eyelids.RESULTS: L value of the sub-health group was higher than that of the health group (P<0.05), and a, b and C values were lower than those of the health group (P<0.05), suggesting that the facial complexion of the sub-health group was pale/whiter than the health group. The reflectance rates of wavelengths (from 400 to 550 nm) of the sub-health group were higher than those of the health group (P<0.05), which suggested that the facial complexion of the sub-health group was partially green. The a, b and C values of the forehead, glabellas and nose of subjects in the sub-health group were apparently different from the health subjects. L values of five-viscera types were significantly different from people of a health status (P<0.05). There were some differences in color values among the five-viscera groups: lung group’s color values were significantly different from the others in terms of a, b and C values. The spectral reflectance of different viscera groups of the sub-health group also showed certain differences: reflectance of wavelengths at 400 to 490 nm in the lung group and at 520 to 580 nm in the spleen group showed significant difference from the other groups, and the lung group was lower and the spleen group was higher than the others.CONCLUSION: There are some differences in facial spectrum and color in different sites of the face in sub-health status of different viscera syndrome types, which can provide an objective basis for health evaluation.

Key words: sub-health status, facial complexion, spectrum and color, skin color inspection

Table 1

L, a, b and C values of facial complexion of health and sub-health groups ($\bar{x}$±s)"

Group n L value a value b value C value
Health 183 59.80±4.03 18.08±2.68 18.20±2.23 25.77±2.44
Sub-health 287 60.09±3.88* 17.65±3.09* 17.86±2.21* 25.25±2.70*

Table 2

Reflectance of facial complexion of health and sub-health groups in fixed wavelength band ($\bar{x}$±s, %)"

Health group
Sub-health group
400 12.33±2.88 12.61±2.72*
420 12.99±2.80 13.24±2.64*
440 15.61±3.21 15.92±3.05*
460 18.78±3.69 19.21±3.52*
480 20.93±3.87 21.38±3.71*
500 23.20±4.15 23.66±3.97*
520 24.18±4.39 24.59±4.20*
540 22.62±4.25 22.99±4.12*
560 24.08±4.34 24.39±4.22*
580 24.73±4.61 25.02±4.49
600 37.40±5.46 37.65±5.20
620 46.17±5.75 46.24±5.52
640 49.53±5.68 49.49±5.52
660 51.73±5.62 51.57±5.51
680 53.68±5.61 53.41±5.54
700 55.36±5.59 55.01±5.58

Figure 1

Fixed wavelength band reflectance curve of facial complexion of health and sub-health groups"

Table 3

L, a, b and C values of facial complexion at different points in health and sub-health groups ($\bar{x}$±s)"

Point Group n L value a value b value C value
Frontal part Health 183 59.56±2.90 17.16±1.67 20.04±1.38 26.40±1.0
Sub-health 287 60.33±2.94 15.39±2.69* 18.29±2.00* 24.06±2.61*
Glabellas Health 183 60.98±2.87 17.43±1.82 18.39±1.66 25.44±1.67
Sub-health 287 60.87±2.88 15.58±2.81* 17.52±1.72*△ 23.62±2.39*△
Nose Health 183 59.61±3.16 20.28±2.33△▲ 19.58±1.52△▲ 28.33±1.66△▲
Sub-health 287 60.29±2.93*▲ 16.78±3.67*△▲ 18.13±1.93 24.91±3.21*△▲
Mandible Health 183 58.87±3.42 18.62±1.82△▲□ 18.11±1.48△□ 26.05±1.70▲□
Sub-health 287 59.99±3.16 16.17±3.13△▲□ 17.43±1.69△□ 23.97±2.54*▲□
Left cheek Health 183 60.69±3.34△□■ 18.75±2.33△▲□ 17.88±1.66△▲□ 26.05±1.70▲□
Sub-health 287 60.59±3.07 16.25±3.35△▲□ 17.40±1.68△□ 24.02±2.63*▲□
Right cheek Health 183 60.91±3.46△□■ 18.53±2.30△▲□ 17.95±1.65△▲□ 25.94±1.73△▲□
Sub-health 287 60.75±3.06□■ 16.06±3.27△▲□ 17.43±1.74△□ 23.91±2.57*△▲□■

Table 4

L, a, b and C values of facial complexion in sub-health group with different viscera syndrome and health groups ($\bar{x}$±s)"

Group n L value a value b value C value
Heart 28 60.70±3.91* 17.69±2.89 18.18±2.27 25.50±2.64
Liver 80 60.59±3.89* 17.69±3.11 18.26±2.05 25.58±2.45
Spleen 74 59.85±3.78☆★ 18.20±2.97 18.02±2.10 25.75±2.50
Lung 39 60.75±4.01*○ 17.03±3.12*★○ 17.44±2.35*☆★○ 24.51±2.95*☆★○
Kidney 66 60.43±3.83*○ 17.80±2.99 18.27±2.32 25.65±2.58
Health 183 59.80±4.03 18.08±2.67 18.20±2.23 25.77±2.44

Table 5

Reflectance of facial complexion in sub-health group with different viscera syndrome and health group in fixed wavelength band ($\bar{x}$±s, %)"

Heart group
Liver group
Spleen group
Lung group
Kidney group
Health group
400 13.09±2.92* 12.58±2.73 12.41±2.63 13.10±2.93*★○ 12.64±2.51*☆● 12.33±2.88
420 13.57±2.81* 13.29±2.61* 13.00±2.49☆★ 13.72±2.85*★○ 13.31±2.53*○● 13.00±2.80
440 16.26±3.20* 16.02±3.03* 15.61±2.87☆★ 16.55±3.31*★○ 15.99±2.94*○● 15.62±3.21
460 19.56±3.62* 19.39±3.52* 18.82±3.33☆★ 20.04±3.85*★○ 19.24±3.36*○● 18.76±3.69
480 21.74±3.75* 21.59±3.71* 20.96±3.51☆★ 22.30±4.05*★○ 21.42±3.52*○● 20.93±3.88
500 24.11±4.02* 23.88±3.98* 23.18±3.78☆★ 24.59±4.28*★○ 23.76±3.77*○● 23.20±4.15
520 25.19±4.31* 24.83±4.22* 24.07±4.01☆★ 25.42±4.41*★ 24.81±4.09*○● 24.18±4.39
540 23.62±4.32* 23.24±4.14* 22.46±3.92☆★ 23.72±4.25*○ 23.28±4.18*○ 22.62±4.25
560 25.01±4.37* 24.66±4.23* 23.87±4.02☆★ 25.08±4.32*○ 24.71±4.31*○ 24.08±4.34
580 25.72±4.67* 25.31±4.51* 24.48±4.28☆★ 25.69±4.58*○ 25.39±4.67*○ 24.73±4.61
600 38.45±5.13* 37.84±5.13 37.14±5.08☆★ 38.25±5.41*○ 38.11±5.01○* 37.40±5.46
620 47.27±5.57* 46.29±5.37 45.85±5.29 46.60±6.01 46.81±5.14*○ 46.17±5.75
640 50.62±5.55* 49.50±5.36 49.13±5.23 49.72±6.10 50.11±5.12*★○ 49.53±5.68
660 52.77±5.52* 51.57±5.34 51.24±5.16 51.71±6.18 52.23±5.14★○ 51.73±5.62
680 54.67±5.53* 53.39±5.37 53.10±5.12 53.44±6.30 54.10±5.20★○ 53.68±5.61
700 56.34±5.58* 54.98±5.41 54.72±5.11 54.95±6.41 55.73±5.29★○● 55.36±5.59
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