Course curriculum,Education,Integrative medicine,Medical students," /> Course curriculum,Education,Integrative medicine,Medical students,"/>
Journal of Integrative Medicine ›› 2017, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 442-449.doi: 10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60367-4
• Research Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Saswati Mahapatraa, Anjali Bhagraa, Bisrat Fekadub, Zhuo Lic, Brent A. Bauera, Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedlera
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A survey of medical experts and students. 26 Chaterji R, Tractenberg RE, Amri H, Lumpkin M, Amorosi SB, Haramati A.A large-sample survey of first- and secondyear medical student attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine in the curriculum and in practice. 27 Brinkhaus B, Joos S, Lindner M, Kohnen R, Witt C, Willich SN, Hahn EG.Integration of complementary and alternative medicine into German medical school curricula—contradictions between the opinions of decision makers and the status quo. 28 Dogas Z, Kardum G, Mirić L, Sevo V, Tolić T, Ursić A, Vasiljević P, Zekić S.Attitudes towards science and alternative medicine of medical, economics and business, and electrical engineering students in Split, Croatia. 29 Kanadiya MK, Klein G, Shubrook JH Jr.Use of and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine among osteopathic medical students. 30 Längler A, Boeker R, Kameda G, Seifert G, Edelhäuser F, Ostermann T.Attitudes and beliefs of paediatric oncologists regarding complementary and alternative therapies. 31 Loh KP, Ghorab H, Clarke E, Conroy R, Barlow J.Medical students’ knowledge, perceptions, and interest in complementary and alternative medicine. 32 Greiner KA, Murray JL, Kallail KJ.Medical student interest in alternative medicine. 33 Oberbaum M, Notzer N, Abramowitz R, Branski D.Attitude of medical students to the introduction of complementary medicine into the medical curriculum in Israel. 34 Silverstein DD, Spiegel AD.Are physicians aware of the risks of alternative medicine? 35 Rees CE, Wearn AM, Dennis I, Amri H, Greenfield SM.Medical students’ attitudes to complementary and alternative medicine: further validation of the IMAQ and findings from an international longitudinal study. 36 Wahner-Roedler DL, Lee MC, Chon TY, Cha SS, Loehrer LL, Bauer BA.Physicians’ attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine and their knowledge of specific therapies: 8-year follow-up at an academic medical center. 37 Wahner-Roedler DL, Vincent A, Elkin PL, Loehrer LL, Cha SS, Bauer BA.Physicians’ attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine and their knowledge of specific therapies: a survey at an academic medical center. 38 Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG.Research electronic data capture (REDCap): a metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. 39 Cowen VS, Cyr V.Complementary and alternative medicine in US medical schools. 40 Zakrzewska JM, Fry H, Larkin KE.A case study of methods used to tackle a common pedagogic problem in medical and dental education: time pressure. 41 Peluso M, Takizawa P.Student involvement in the development of integrated curricula. 42 Lehrer MD, Murray S, Benzar R, Stormont R, Lightfoot M, Hafertepe M, Welch G, Peters N, Maio A.Peer-led problem-based learning in interprofessional education of health professions students. 43 Bulte C, Betts A, Garner K, Durning S.Student teaching: views of student near-peer teachers and learners. 44 Lin JA, Farrow N, Lindeman BM, Lidor AO.Impact of near-peer teaching rounds on student satisfaction in the basic surgical clerkship. 45 Raty SR, Teal CR, Nelson EA, Gill AC.Near-peers improve patient safety training in the preclinical curriculum. 46 Bond AR, Mason HF, Lemaster CM, Shaw SE, Mullin CS, Holick EA, Saper RB.Embodied health: the effects of a mind-body course for medical students. 47 Greeson JM, Toohey MJ, Pearce MJ.An adapted, fourweek mind-body skills group for medical students: reducing stress, increasing mindfulness, and enhancing self-care. 48 Kraemer KM, Luberto CM, O’Bryan EM, Mysinger E, Cotton S. 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