Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2012, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.doi: 10.3736/jcim20120101
• Review • Next Articles
Li Xiao-hong1,2,Li Jing-jing1,3,Liu Yue-yun1,Chen Jia-xu1()
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周福生, 吴文江 . 肠易激综合征肝郁脾虚证与脑肠肽相关性研究思路.中国中医药息杂志. 2004; 11(2):183-184.
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方肇勤, 潘志强, 卢文丽, 刘小美, 管冬元, 梁超 . 大鼠和小鼠辨证论治标准的建立和用途.中西医结合学报. 2009; 7(10):907-912.
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陈家旭, 杨维益 . 神经-内分泌-免疫网络研究概况及其与中医肝脏关系的探讨.北京中医药大学学报. 1995; 18(4):7-11.
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乔明琦, 于霞, 张惠云, 陈雨振, 殷镜海, 胡春雨 . “多情交织共同致病首先伤肝”假说及其论证.山东中医药大学学报. 2006; 30(1) : 8-10. | |
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严灿, 吴丽丽, 徐志伟 . 应用心理应激理论和方法开展中医药实验研究的思路.广州中医药大学学报. 2004; 21(4) : 325-328.
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Yue LF, Ding J, Chen JX, Yue GX, Liang Y, Huo SK, Li JJ. Establishment and review of rat model of syndrome of liver depression with spleen insufficiency. Beijing Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue Xue Bao.2008; 31(6):396-400. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1006-2157.2008.06.009 |
岳利峰, 丁杰, 陈家旭, 岳广欣, 梁媛, 霍素坤, 李晶晶 . 肝郁脾虚证大鼠模型的建立与评价.北京中医药大学学报. 2008; 31(6):396-400.
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[14] | Tang YT , Chen JX. Regulative effects of three TCM formulas on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in the rats with chronic restrained stress. Beijing Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue Xue Bao. 2002 ; 25 (3): 23-26. Chinese with abstract in English. |
唐已婷, 陈家旭 . 三种中药复方对应激大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的调节.北京中医药大学学报. 2002; 25:23-26. | |
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Zhao X, Chen JX, Yang JX, Li W, Liu XL, Kang CJ , Liu Y. Study on the mechanism of the regulation of HPA on chronic restrained stress rat by compounded prescription of smoothing the liver of traditional Chinese medicine. Shi Yan Dong Wu Ke Xue Yu Guan Li. 2003 ; 20(2):6-12. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-6179.2003.02.002 |
赵歆, 陈家旭, 杨建新, 李伟, 刘晓兰, 康纯洁, 刘燕 . 疏肝中药复方对慢性束缚应激大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的调节.实验动物科学与管理. 2003; 20(2):6-12.
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[16] | Chen JX, Yang JX, Zhao X, Wang ZF , Yue GX. Effects of Chinese herbs on glucocorticoid receptor in rat brain regions with chronic immobilization stress. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2005; 21: 402-406. Chinese with abstract in English. |
陈家旭, 杨建新, 赵歆, 王竹风, 岳广欣 . 慢性束缚应激大鼠中枢糖皮质激素受体变化及中药复方的影响. 中国应用生理学杂志. 2005; 21(4):402-406. | |
[17] | Chen JX, Li W, Zhao X, Xu HY, Wang ZF, Yue GX, Yang JX. Effects of three Chinese formulas on BDNF, TrkB in rat contex and hippocampus with chronic immobilization stress. Zhongguo Bing Li Sheng Li Za Zhi. 2007 ; 23(7):1296-1300. Chinese with abstract in English. |
陈家旭, 李伟, 赵歆, 徐洪雁, 王竹风, 岳广欣, 杨建新 . 三种中药复方对慢性束缚应激大鼠皮层和海马 BDNF、TrkB的影响.中国病理生理杂志. 2007; 23(7):1296-1300. | |
[18] | Chen JX, Yang JX, Zhao X, Li W, Chen QH, Ma MY, Li LJ, Wang NY, Xue FF , Hong M. Changes of β-endorphine in rats’ hypothalamus in condition of chronic immobilization stress and influence of Chinese herbal prescriptions. Zhongguo Yi Yao Xue Bao. 2004; 19: 83-85. Chinese. |
陈家旭, 杨建新, 赵歆, 李伟, 陈青红, 马梦茵, 李柳骥, 汪南玥, 薛飞飞, 洪梅 . 慢性束缚应激大鼠下丘脑β-内啡肽变化及中药复方对其的影响.中国医药学报. 2004; 19(2) : 83-85. | |
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Chen JX , Tang YT. Effect of Xiaoyao powder on changes of relative brain zone CRF gene expression in chronic restrained stress rats. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2004; 20(1) : 71-74. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6834.2004.01.017 |
陈家旭, 唐已婷 . 逍遥散对慢性束缚应激模型大鼠相关脑区CRF基因表达的影响.中国应用生理学杂志. 2004; 20(1) : 71-74.
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Chen JX , Tang YT. Change of relative brain zone POMC gene expression and effect of Chinese medicine on chronic restrained stress model rats. Zhongguo Yao Wu Yu Lin Chuang. 2003; 3(3) : 223-226. Chinese with abstract in English.
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陈家旭, 唐已婷 . 慢性束缚应激模型大鼠相关脑区前阿黑皮素基因表达的变化及中药复方的影响.中国药物与临床. 2003; 3(3) : 223-226.
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[24] | Wang ZF, Wang BJ, Yue GX, Chen JX , Xu XY. Changes of central related protein NMDAR2A and NMDAR2B mRNA expressions in immobilization stressed rats and effeet of Xiaoyaosan on them. Liaoning Zhong Yi Za Zhi. 2010; 37(1):44-48. Chinese with abstract in English. |
王竹风, 汪宝军, 岳广欣, 陈家旭, 徐筱颖 . 逍遥散对慢性束缚应激大鼠相关脑区NMDAR2A和NMDAR2B mRNA 基因表达的调节作用.辽宁中医杂志. 2010; 37(1):44-48. | |
[25] | Wang ZF, Wang BJ, Yue GX, Chen JX, Zhang QL , Xu XY. Changes of central related protein GAP-43 and Nogo-A mRNA expressions in immobilization stressed rats and effeet of Xiaoyaosan on them. Beijing Zhong Yi Yao. 2009; 28(11) : 894-898. Chinese. |
王竹风, 汪宝军, 岳广欣, 陈家旭, 张巧丽, 徐筱颖 . 逍遥散对慢性束缚应激大鼠相关脑区GAP-43和Nogo- A mRNA基因表达的调节作用.北京中医药. 2009; 28(11) : 894-898. | |
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Ding J, Chen JX, Rao HM, Yue GX, Liang Y, Zhang QL , Zhao X. Influence of Xiaoyao powder on expressions of GluRl and GluR2 of central nervous system in rat model of liver-stagnation and spleen-deficiency syndrome. Beijing Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue Xue Bao. 2009 ; 32(6):389-393. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1006-2157.2009.06.009 |
丁杰, 陈家旭, 饶红梅, 岳广欣, 梁媛, 张巧丽, 赵歆 . 逍遥散对肝郁脾虚证模型大鼠中枢GluRl、GluR2 表达的影响.北京中医药大学学报. 2009; 32(6):389-393.
doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1006-2157.2009.06.009 |
[27] | Yue GX, Wang ZF, Zhang QL, Zhao X, Yue LF, Ding J , Chen JX. Expression of AMPA receptors and related protein in immobilization stressed rats and effect of Xiaoyaosan. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2008; 24(2) : 129-132. Chinese with abstract in English. |
岳广欣, 王竹风, 张巧丽, 赵歆, 岳利峰, 丁杰, 陈家旭 . AMPA受体和相关蛋白在束缚应激大鼠相关脑区的表达变化及逍遥散对其影响.中国应用生理学杂志. 2008; 24(2) : 129-132. | |
[28] | YueGX, Wang ZF, Zhang QL, ChenJX, Zhao X, Yue LF , Ding J. Changes of central AMPA receptor subunits and related protein mRNA expression in immobilization stressed rats and effect of Xiaoyaosan on them. Zhongguo Zhong XiYiJie He Za Zhi. 2007; 27(12):1110-1115. Chinese with abstract in English. |
岳广欣, 王竹风, 张巧丽, 陈家旭, 赵歆, 岳利峰, 丁杰 . 束缚应激大鼠中枢AMPA受体和相关蛋白mRNA 表达的变化及逍遥散对其调节作用.中国中西医结合杂志. 2007; 27(12):1110-1115. | |
[29] | Luo HG, Ding J, Yue GX , Chen JX. Metabonomic study of syndrome of liver qi stagnation and spleen deficiency in rats. J Chin Integr Med. 2007; 5(3):307-313. Chinese with abstract in English. |
罗和古, 丁杰, 岳广欣, 陈家旭 . 大鼠肝郁脾虚证的代谢组学研究.中西医结合学报. 2007; 5(3):307-313. |
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Mohamed S. Othman, Sofian T. Obeidat, Amal H. Al-Bagawi, Mohamed A. Fareid, Alaa Fehaid, Ahmed E. Abdel Moneim.
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[7] | Shuai Chen, Jin Hu, Deng-cheng Lu, Hong-yi Liu, Shan-shan Wei. Metabolomic characteristics of spontaneously hypertensive rats under chronic stress and the treatment effect of Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder, a traditional Chinese medicine formula. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2022, 20(1): 73-82. |
[8] | Yi Yuan, Rui-Ting Wang, Jun Xia, Hui-Juan Cao. Interventions for preventing influenza: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews and a Bayesian network meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2021, 19(6): 503-514. |
[9] | Meng-zhu Zhao, Chen Zhao, Shuang-shuang Tu, Xu-xu Wei, Hong-cai Shang. Evaluating the methodology of studies conducted during the global COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2021, 19(4): 317-326. |
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[11] | Liang Dai, Ka Kei Chan, Jian-chun Mao, Yu Tian, Jun-hua Gu, Jun Zhou, Linda L.D. Zhong. Modified Zhibai Dihuang pill, a traditional Chinese medicine formula, on steroid withdrawal in systemic lupus erythematosus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(6): 478-491. |
[12] | Leandro Lucena, Cristina Frange, Ana Claudia Amorim Pinto, Monica Levy Andersen, Sergio Tufik, Helena Hachul. Mindfulness interventions during pregnancy: A narrative review. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(6): 470-477. |
[13] | Arthur Yin Fan, Sherman Gu, Sarah Faggert Alemi, Research Group for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine. Chinese herbal medicine for COVID-19: Current evidence with systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(5): 385-394. |
[14] | Xian-jun Xiao, Lei-xiao Zhang, Yun-zhou Shi, Jun-peng Yao, Wei Cao, Ying Liu, Zi-hao Zou, Si-yuan Zhou, Ming-ling Chen, Chun-xiao Li, Qian-hua Zheng, Ying Li. Cupping therapy for patients with chronic urticaria: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(4): 303-312. |
[15] | Dong-dong Yu, Liang-zhen You, Wan-qiu Huang, Hui Cao, Fan-jing Wang, Xiu-qin Tang, Zhao-hui Fang, Guo-ming Shen, Yu-xiang Guan. Effects of traditional Chinese exercises on blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels in patients with prediabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(4): 292-302. |