Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2012, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (12): 1328-1335.doi: 10.3736/jcim20121202
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Yu-ting Yin1,2, Xiao-wan Li1, Yang1 Dong, Jian-rong Shi 1()
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钱善军, 王珂, 王静, 苏越, 岑濉, 张伟荣, 施建蓉 . 中药对寒热体质大鼠体质稳定性的影响.中医杂志. 2010; 51(9) : 840-843. | |
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殷玉婷, 董杨, 宋海燕, 李晓婉, 韩志芬, 施建蓉 . 寒热体质大鼠TRPV1通道表达的研究.中华中医药杂志. 2012; 27(8):2019-2022. | |
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[9] | Kuang TY, Zhang WR, Ding YF, Xu FX, He YM, Li W, Sun AZ, Shi YH, Xue HJ, Yang Z, Lu LW, Qian RH, Ma ZL, Gu WC, Shen Y, Xiao Y, Zhang J . Study on cold and heat constitution. Zhong Yi Za Zhi. 1995; 36(9):553-556. Chinese. |
匡调元, 张伟荣, 丁镛发, 徐凤仙, 何裕民, 李文, 孙爱贞, 施玉华, 薛惠娟, 杨蓁, 陆履雯, 钱汝红, 马正立, 顾文聪, 沈雁, 肖颐, 张俊 . 寒体与热体的研究. 中医杂志. 1995; 36(9):553-556. | |
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魏蓓蓓, 张伟妃, 张瑞义, 王晓玲, 黄建锋, 张伟荣 . 中医寒体与热体特征性基因筛选的研究.中国中医基础医学杂志. 2010; 16(7):607-608, 612. | |
[14] | Wei BB, Zhang WF, Zhang RY, Wang XL, Huang JF, Zhang WR .Analysis of RT-PCR on difference of gene expression in rats of cold and heat body constitution. Shanghai Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue Xue Bao. 2011; 25(3):68-70. Chinese with abstract in English. |
魏蓓蓓, 张伟妃, 张瑞义, 王晓玲, 黄建锋, 张伟荣 . 中医寒体与热体基因差异性表达的RT-PCR分析.上海中医药大学学报. 2011; 25(3):68-70. | |
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杨勇, 梁月华, 汪长中, 任红 . 虚寒、虚热证大鼠神经、 内分泌、免疫与血液流变学的时相性研究.中国中医基础医学杂志. 2002; 8(2):29-32. | |
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金锐, 张冰 . 基于机体对寒冷刺激的适应性改变原理探讨阳虚证畏寒肢冷实质.中国中西医结合杂志. 2012; 32(5) : 696-700.
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黄俊山, 白介辰, 黄国良, 黄荣障, 李玲, 郑关毅, 颜耀斌, 林智颖 . 从检测血中FT3、FT4、T、E2及皮质醇等指标探讨寒证热证的本质.中国中西医结合杂志. 2002; 22(2) : 113-115. | |
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doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1001-1668.2001.01.127 |
徐志伟, 陈群, 刘亚梅, 雷娓娓, 王斌, 陈芝喜 . 实热证、虚热证造模大鼠甲状腺超微结构及功能对比研究. 中医杂志. 2001; 42(1):43-44.
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刘亚梅 . 热证虚实与体液免疫状态关系的探讨.广州中医药大学学报. 2004; 21(6):415-417. | |
[21] | Xu QY, Qin YH, Sun YW, Tan CE, Chen K, Wang WH, Wang MQ . Experimental study on differentially expressed genes about “cold pathogen”. Xian Dai Zhong XiYiJie HeZaZhi. 2012; 21(13):1369-1370. Chinese with abstract in English. |
徐全壹, 秦玉花, 孙玉文, 谭从娥, 陈康, 王望华, 王米渠 . 中医“寒淫”致病的表达谱实验研究.现代中西医结合杂志. 2012; 21(13):1369-1370. | |
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doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1001-1668.2006.02.030 |
王米渠, 杨丽萍, 丁维俊, 高泓, 王庆国 . 一个寒证家系中发现15个差异表达基因的报告.中医杂志. 2006; 47(2) : 131-133.
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[23] | Yang LP, Wang MQ, Wu B, Wang MC, Zhang TE .Abnormal expression of energy metabolism-relating gene in deficiency-cold syndrome. Jiangsu Zhong Yi Yao. 2006; 27(5):24-25. Chinese. |
杨丽萍, 王米渠, 吴斌, 王明臣, 张天娥 . 虚寒证能量代谢相关基因的异常表达.江苏中医药. 2006; 27(5):24-25. | |
[24] | Zhao HP, Zhao YL, Wang JB, Li HB, Ren YS, Zhou CP, Yan D, Xiao XH . The different representation on cold and hot properties of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Palmati and Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata based on cold and heat plate differential method. Zhongguo Ke Xue C Ji Sheng Ming Ke Xue. 2009; 39(8) : 803-808. Chinese. |
赵海平, 赵艳玲, 王伽伯, 李寒冰, 任永申, 周灿平, 鄢丹, 肖小河 . 基于冷热板示差法的中药大黄和附子寒热药性差异的表征.中国科学C辑:生命科学. 2009; 39(8) : 803-808. | |
[25] | Zhou CP, Wang JB, Zhang XR, Zhao YL, Xia XH, Zhao HP, Ren YS, Xiao XH . Study on cold and hot characteristic differences of Rhizoma Coptidis and its processed products based on the animal behavior evaluation of temperature trends. Zhongguo Ke Xue C Ji Sheng Ming Ke Xue. 2009; 39(7):669-676. Chinese. |
周灿平, 王伽伯, 张学儒, 赵艳玲, 夏新华, 赵海平, 任永申, 肖小河 . 基于动物温度趋向行为学评价的黄连及其炮制品寒热药性差异研究.中国科学C辑:生命科学. 2009; 39(7):669-676. | |
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Sui F, Yang N, Zhang CB, Du XL, Li LF, Weng XG, Guo SY, Huo HR, Jiang TL . Effects of ingredients from Chinese herbs with nature of cold or hot on expression of TRPV1 and TRPM8. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2010; 35(12) : 1594-1598. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.4268/cjcmm20101220 |
隋峰, 杨娜, 张畅斌, 杜新亮, 李兰芳, 翁小刚, 郭淑英, 霍海如, 姜廷良 . 寒热性中药成分对TRPV1和 TRPM8通道蛋白基因表达的影响.中国中药杂志. 2010; 35(12) : 1594-1598.
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[27] | Sui F, Zhang CB, Du XL, Zhao BS, Yang N, Weng XG, Li LF, Guo SY, Huo HR, Jiang TL . Impact of ingredients from Chinese herbs with nature of cold or hot on TRPV1. Zhong Yao Yao Li Yu Lin Chuang. 2009; 25(5) : 18-20. Chinese. |
隋峰, 张畅斌, 杜新亮, 赵保胜, 杨娜, 翁小刚, 李兰芳, 郭淑英, 霍海如, 姜廷良 . 寒热性中药的成分对 TRPV1通道蛋白功能的影响.中药药理与临床. 2009; 25(5) : 18-20. | |
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Sui F, Zhang CB, Du XL, Yang N, Zhao BS, Weng XG, Liu HB, Li LF, Guo SY, Huo HR, Jiang TL .Effect of composition of Chinese herbs with cold or hot nature on TRPM8 expressions. Zhongguo Shi Yan Fang Ji Xue Za Zhi. 2010; 16(2):68-70. Chinese.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-9903.2010.02.023 |
隋峰, 张畅斌, 杜新亮, 杨娜, 赵保胜, 翁小刚, 刘洪斌, 李兰芳, 郭淑英, 霍海如, 姜廷良 . 寒热性中药的成分对薄荷醇受体离子通道蛋白功能的影响.中国实验方剂学杂志. 2010; 16(2):68-70.
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[29] | Huang LP, Peng SH, Zhang S, Hu Q, Yu RY, Liu HN, Sun JN . Hepatic energy metabolism of rats induced by six traditional Chinese medicine with hot property . Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2010 ; 35(11):1470-1473. Chinese with abstract in English. |
黄丽萍, 彭淑红, 张甦, 胡强, 余日跃, 刘红宁, 孙建宁 . 热性中药对大鼠肝脏能量代谢相关因子的影响 .中国中药杂志. 2010; 35(11):1470-1473. | |
[30] | Han BB, Wang SJ, Zhang YF, Zhao HJ, Wang CG . Influence of Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata on asthenia cold syndrome rats with whole genome gene expression of liver by gene chip technique. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2012; 37(4):500-504. Chinese with abstract in English. |
韩冰冰, 王世军, 张发艳, 赵海军, 王成岗 . 基因芯片技术研究附子对虚寒证大鼠肝全基因表达谱的影响. 中国中药杂志. 2012; 37(4):500-504. | |
[31] | Wang Y . Discriminant model for the cold and hot property of traditional Chinese medicine by HPLC-TOF MS. Shanghai: Fudan University. 2010. Chinese with abstract in English. |
王韵 . 中药寒热药性代谢组学判别模式的建立研究.上海:复旦大学. 2010. | |
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Zhang QY, Xu GL, Ma XX, Zeng ZJ, Huang LP, Yu RY, Liu HN . Preliminary study of metabonomics on aqueous extract of Evodia rutaecarpa in Sprague-Dawley rats. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2010 ; 35(1):99-102. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.4268/cjcmm20100121 |
张启云, 徐国良, 马晓雪, 曾治君, 黄丽萍, 余日跃, 刘红宁 . 吴茱萸水提物给药大鼠尿液代谢组学研究.中国中药杂志. 2010; 35(1):99-102.
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[33] | Wu HW .Studies on warm and cold nature of Jianghuang and Yujin based on metabonomics. Beijing: China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 2011. Chinese with abstract in English. |
吴宏伟 . 基于代谢组学的姜黄、郁金寒热药性差异研究.北京:中国中医科学院. 2011. | |
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Jin R, Zhang B, Liu XQ, Liu SM, Liu X, Li LZ, Zhang Q, Xue CM . Study of biological performance of Chinese materia medica with either a cold or hot property based on the three-element mathematical analysis model. J Chin Integr Med. 2011; 9(7) : 715-724. Chinese with abstract in English.
doi: 10.3736/jcim20110704 |
金锐, 张冰, 刘小青, 刘森茂, 刘欣, 李连珍, 张倩, 薛春苗 . 基于药性构成“三要素”数理分析模式的中药寒热药性生物学表征差异研究.中西医结合学报. 2011; 9(7) : 715-724.
doi: 10.3736/jcim20110704 |
[35] | Bai XL, Li XP, Hu JY, Lei L, Liu J, Yang SQ, Qi TT, Huang LJ, Deng WL . Influence of Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata and Radixet Rrizoma Rhei Palmati on natural temperature of rats with cold and heat constitution. Zhong Yao Yao Li Yu Lin Chuang. 2011 ; 27(2):98-100. Chinese. |
白筱璐, 李兴平, 胡竟一, 雷玲, 刘娟, 杨绍芹, 漆婷婷, 黄丽娟, 邓文龙 . 附子、黄连对寒热体质大鼠正常体温的影响.中药药理与临床. 2011; 27(2):98-100. | |
[36] | Xu ZW, Chen Q, Sun Q, Liu YM, Wang B, Chen ZX, Lei WW . Heat syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhongguo Bi Jiao Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2009 ; 19(3):53-56. Chinese with abstract in English. |
徐志伟, 陈群, 孙琪, 刘雅梅, 王斌, 陈芝喜, 雷娓娓 . 中医热证实质研究.中国比较医学杂志. 2009; 19(3):53-56. | |
[37] | Huang ZS, Li SQ, He LC, Liang JQ, He GL . Effect of Rhizoma Coptidis Chinensis and Fructus Evodiae with the different ratio on the activities of Na +-K +- ATP enzyme and Ca 2+-Mg 2+-ATP enzyme in rat. Zhong Yao Yao Li Yu Lin Chuang. 2001; 17(5):1-2. Chinese with abstract in English. |
黄兆胜, 李盛青, 何丽春, 梁进权, 何国林 . 黄连与吴茱萸的不同比例配伍对大鼠红细胞膜ATP酶活性的影响.中药药理与临床. 2001; 17(5):1-2. | |
[38] | Huang LP, Zhou R, Meng XF, Yu RY, Liu HN, Sun JN . Effect of cold property Chinese medicine Radix Scutellariae on energy metabolism of rats. Zhong Yao Cai. 2010; 33(4):575-577. Chinese with abstract in English. |
黄丽萍, 周蓉, 蒙晓芳, 余日跃, 刘红宁, 孙建宁 . 寒性中药黄芩对大鼠能量代谢的影响.中药材. 2010; 33(4):575-577. | |
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王淑美, 徐晓玉 . 滋阴清热药对环核苷酸的影响.中国药业. 2003; 12(7):26-27.
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[40] | Li M, Zhang B, Liu XQ, Liu X, Li LZ . Medicinal nature expression of Xianmao (Rhizoma Curculiginis )effecting on CYP3A. Beijing Zhong Yi Yao Da Xue Xue Bao. 2010; 33(11): 745-748, 757, 794. Chinese with abstract in English. |
李敏, 张冰, 刘小青, 刘欣, 李连珍 .辛热药仙茅作用于药物代谢酶CYP3A的药性表达研究.北京中医药大学学报. 2010; 33(11): 745-748, 757,794. | |
[41] | Li M, Zhang B, Liu XQ . Effect of Curculiginis Rhizoma on metabolism and endocrine with “yang” deficiency syndrome in rats. Zhong Cheng Yao. 2012 ; 34(6):1011-1014. Chinese with abstract in English. |
李敏, 张冰, 刘小青 . 仙茅对类虚寒大鼠物质代谢及内分泌水平影响的实验研究.中成药. 2012; 34(6):1011-1014. | |
[42] | Li J, Xie T, Bi JH, Yu H, Jiang L, Zhao WG, Chai JB . The influence of Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin decoction and Lizhong pill on 5-HT and NE contents in the brain tissue on gastric ulcer rats’ model induced by indomethacin with cold or heat syndrome. Liaoning Zhong Yi Za Zhi. 2011 ; 38(1) : 7-9. Chinese with abstract in English. |
李冀, 谢田, 毕捃辉, 于海, 蒋蕾, 赵伟国, 柴剑波 . 大黄黄连泻心汤、理中丸对消炎痛型胃溃疡寒热证模型大鼠脑组织5-HT和NE含量的影响.辽宁中医杂志. 2011; 38(1) : 7-9. | |
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李良, 刘国贞, 梁月华 .寒凉和温热药对大鼠脑、垂体和肾上腺内5-羟色胺及去甲肾上腺素神经元和纤维的影响.中国中药杂志. 1999; 24(6): 360-362, 383-384. | |
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