Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2010, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (12): 1199-1206.doi: 10.3736/jcim20101214
• English Translation of TCM • Previous Articles Next Articles
[1] | Li ZG . A discussion of English translation of 1995 and 1997 Chinese National Standards of Traditional Chinese Medical Terminologies for Clinical Diagnosis and Treatmen. J Chin Integr Med. 8(11):1097-1100. Chinese. |
李照国 . 1995和1997中医国家标准的英语翻译问题探讨.中西医结合学报. 2010; 8(11):1097-1100. | |
[2] | Li ZG. Essays on English translation of traditional Chinese medicine. Shanghai: Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Press. 2006: 123-124, 141. Chinese. |
李照国 . 译海心语——中医药文化翻译别论.上海: 上海中医药大学出版社. 2006: 123-124, 141. | |
[3] | Niu CY.Ideas and methods used by early translators in translating traditional Chinese medicine. J Chin Integr Med. 2003; 1(4):309-311. Chinese. |
牛喘月 . 早期中医西译者的翻译思路与方法.中西医结合学报. 2003; 1(4):309-311. | |
[4] | World Health Organization Western Pacific Region. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the Western Pacific Region. 2007. |
[5] | Niu CY . On English translation of the nomenclature of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. J Chin Integr Med. 2005; 3(4) : 329-333. Chinese. |
牛喘月 . 杨花榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞——从“中西医结合”之名的英语翻译谈起.中西医结合学报. 2005; 3(4) : 329-333. | |
[6] | Li ZJ. International standard Chinese-English basic nomenclature of Chinese medicine. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House. 2008. Chinese-English. |
李振吉 . 中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准.北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2008. | |
[7] | China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies. Chinese terms in traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy. Beijing: Science Press. 2004. Chinese-English. |
全国科学技术名词审定委员会. 中医药学名词.北京: 科学出版社. 2004. |