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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2006, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 355-377.doi: 10.3736/jcim20060407

• Original Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Ruanjian Xiaoying Decoction on chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis

Bang-jiang Fang1, Li-hua Sun1, Xi-qiu Zhou2, Yun-hua Qiu2   

  1. 1. Department of Internal Medicine, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200032, China, et al.
    2. Depar tment of Inte rnal Medicine , Pudong Branch , Longhua Hospital , Shanghai Unive rsity of TraditionalChinese Medicine , Shanghai 200126 , China
  • Online:2006-07-31 Published:2006-07-15


To evaluate the clinical outcome of Ruanjian Xiaoying Decoction (RJXYD) on chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.


Eighty patients with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis were randomly divided into RJXYD-treated group (n=40) and control group (n=40). The patients in the RJXYD-treated group received treatment of RJXYD combined with levothyroxine while the others in the control group received treatment of levothyroxine and prednisone both for 16 weeks. The serum levels of thyroid hormones and the titres of serum antithyroglobulin antibody (anti-TG Ab) and antithyroid microsomal antibody (anti-TM Ab) were all examined before and after treatment. The total response rates of the two groups were evaluated after treatment of 16 weeks.


The total response rate of the RJXYD-treated group was 92.5%, while that of the control group was 60.0% (P<0.01). The serum levels of free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) were obviously increased after treatment as compared with those before treatment in the two groups. The titres of serum anti-TG Ab and anti-TM Ab and the serum level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were all obviously decreased after treatment as compared with those before treatment in the two groups.


The RJXYD can shrink and soften the enlarged thyroid gland and thyroid nodules, improve the immune function of human body, alleviate the response to thyroid self-antigens and promote the recovery of thyroid function.

Key words: Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, Ruanjian Xiaoying Decoction, Clinical research

CLC Number: 

  • R581.4

Table 1

Treatment outcome in two groups"

GroupnSignificant responsePartial responseInvalidityTotal response rate
RJXYD-treated4015 (37.5%)22 (55.0%)3 (7.5%)92.5%**
Control407 (17.5%)17 (42.5%)16 (40.0%)60.0%

Table 2

Changes of serum levels of thyroid hormones before and after treatment in two groups(ヌ±S)"

GroupnFT3 (nmol/L)FT4 (nmol/L)TSH (mU/L)
Before treatment403.65±1.4810.95±4.372.22±1.36
After treatment405.98±1.66**△△15.10±1.89**△△1.35±1.19**
Before treatment403.53±1.5511.01±4.062.19±1.36
After treatment404.74±1.83**13.42±2.01**1.52±1.48*

Table 3

Changes of titres of serum anti-TG Ab and anti-TM Ab before and after treatment in two groups(ヌ±S,%)"

Groupnanti-TG Abanti-TM Ab
Before treatment4053.13±11.6547.65±8.07
After treatment4025.67±10.35**△△20.49±7.92**△△
Before treatment4052.82±10.9347.32±7.91
After treatment4047.43±11.71*39.68±9.67**
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