Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2008, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5): 449-453.doi: 10.3736/jcim20080503
• Editorial • Previous Articles Next Articles
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[2] | Hepatology Committee of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, China. Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hepatic fibrosis with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine (2019 edition). Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2020, 18(3): 203-213. |
[3] | Peggy Bosch, Peter de Rover, Sujung Yeo, Sook-Hyun Lee, Sabina Lim, Maurits van den Noort. Traditional Chinese medicine in psychiatry: The fruit-basket-problem. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2016, 14(4): 239-240. |
[4] | Liang-ping Hu, Xiao-lei Bao, Chen-long Lv. Two-factor designs unable to examine the interactions (Part 2). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(9): 966-969. |
[5] | Jian-sheng Li, Ya Li, Su-yun Li, Yuan-yuan Wang, Li Deng, Yan-ge Tian, Su-li Jiang , Ying Wang. Long-term effects of Tiaobu Feishen therapies on systemic and local inflammation responses in rats with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(9): 1039-1048. |
[6] | Liang-ping Hu, Xiao-lei Bao, Chen-yi Guo . Two-factor designs unable to examine the interactions (Part 1). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(8): 853-857. |
[7] | Liang-ping Hu , Xiao-lei Bao, Chen-long Lü . How to choose an appropriate experimental design type (Part 2). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(7): 738-742. |
[8] | Liang-ping Hu, Xiao-lei Bao. How to choose an appropriate experimental design type (Part 1). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(6): 615-618. |
[9] | Liang-ping Hu, Xiao-lei Bao, Qi Wang . The balance principle in scientific research. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(5): 504-507. |
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[11] | Hu Liang-ping, Bao Xiao-lei, Guan Xue, Zhou Shi-guo. Estimation of sample size and testing power (Part 6). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(3): 298-302. |
[12] | Ying-fei Bi, Jing-yuan Mao. Application of Delphi method in traditional Chinese medicine clinical research. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(3): 264-270. |
[13] | Hu Liang-ping, Bao Xiao-lei, Guan Xue, Zhou Shi-guo. Estimation of sample size and testing power (Part 5). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(2): 154-159. |
[14] | Xiao-lei Bao, Liang-ping Hu. Multifactor designs able to examine the interactions. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(12): 1371-1374. |
[15] | Liang-ping Hu, Xiao-lei Bao. Three-factor designs unable to examine the interactions (Part 2). Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine, 2012, 10(11): 1229-1232. |