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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2008, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (12): 1221-1225.doi: 10.3736/jcim20081203

• Original Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Professor Ling Changquan's experience in treating primary liver cancer: an analysis of herbal medication

Zhen Sun1, Yong-hua Su2, Xiao-qiang Yue2,3()   

  1. 1. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
    2. School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
    3. E-institute of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai 201203, China
  • Received:2008-07-07 Online:2008-12-20 Published:2008-12-15

On the basis of outpatients' medical records concerning primary liver cancer (PLC), data of 552 patients (with 2 020 effective prescriptions) from the Outpatient Department of Changhai Hospital treated by Professor Ling Changquan were collected. The nature, flavor and meridian distribution of the herbs used in the prescriptions were summarized by frequency method, and the features of the herbs used according to syndrome differentiation were analyzed by logistic regression. The couple herbs used were analyzed by cluster analysis. All the data were analyzed in combination with the experience of the specialist. It showed that most of the frequently used herbs were herbs for invigorating the spleen to promote appetite, removing toxic materials to inhibit tumor growth, and activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. These herbs are mostly of plain or cool nature, and mainly of sweet, bitter, or acrid taste. It also showed that the most frequently used herbs for qi deficiency were Astragalus membranaceus, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Pseudostellariae; Caulis Spatholobi and Chinese jujube for blood asthenia; Fructus Corni and Ophiopogon japonicus for yin deficiency; Agastache rugosa, Semen Plantaginis and Poria for water-dampness; cape jasmine fruit and baikal skullcap root for heat excess; peach seed and Radix Paeoniae Rubra for blood stasis; Curcuma wenyujin, Akebia trifoliata and Bupleurum chinense for qi stagnation. A total of 19 pairs of couple herbs were summarized by the cluster analysis.

Key words: Ling Changquan, liver cancer, data analysis, statistical, famous doctors experience

CLC Number: 

  • R249


药物 频次 百分率 性味 归经
炒神曲 1 960 97.03 甘、辛、温 脾、胃
炒麦芽 1 960 97.03 甘、平 脾、胃、肝
炒山楂 1 960 97.03 酸、甘、微温 脾、胃、肝
鸡内金 1 960 97.03 甘、平 脾、胃、小肠、膀胱
薏苡仁 1 712 84.75 甘、淡、凉 脾、胃、肺
石见穿 1 620 80.20 苦、辛、凉
猫人参 1 584 78.42 苦、涩、凉
陈皮 1 380 68.32 辛、苦、温 脾、肺
茯苓 1 032 51.09 甘、淡、平 心、脾、肾
山药 988 48.91 甘、平 脾、肺、肾
牡丹皮 944 46.73 甘、苦、微寒 心、肝、肾
赤芍 936 46.34 苦、微寒
鳖甲 760 37.62 甘、咸、寒 肝、肾
太子参 704 34.85 甘、微苦、平 脾、肺
黄芪 564 27.92 甘、微温 脾、肺
白术 556 27.52 甘、苦、温 脾、胃
麦门冬 520 25.74 甘、微苦、微寒 胃、肺、心
当归 496 24.55 甘、辛、温 肝、心、脾
桃仁 480 23.76 苦、甘、平 心、肝、大肠
柴胡 412 20.40 苦、微寒 肝、胆
砂仁 408 20.20 辛、温 脾、胃、肾




类别1 类别2 类别3 类别4
变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数
X5 葫芦壳 0.779 8 X11 灵磁石 0.936 6 X88 石见穿 0.799 0 X32 南北沙参 0.679 9
X51 生大黄 0.778 1 X17 款冬花 0.915 8 X89 猫人参 0.777 6 X71 天门冬 0.625 3
X50 大腹皮 0.685 4 X10 珍珠母 0.904 6 X92 焦三仙 0.734 8 X24 鸡血藤 0.040 1
X63 车前子 0.401 8 X39 朱茯神 0.583 0 X91 鸡内金 0.734 3 X20 侧柏叶 0.396 3
X75 茯苓皮 0.205 9 X46 桑白皮 0.214 1 X90 薏苡仁 0.663 0 X21 仙鹤草 0.337 4
X65 生地黄 0.170 0
X84 泽泻 0.150 3


类别5 类别6 类别7 类别8
变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数
X41 蜈蚣 0.916 3 X4 杏仁 0.492 5 X61 佩兰 0.892 5 X14 厚朴 1.000 0
X40 全蝎 0.903 5 X22 栝蒌 0.457 3 X60 藿香 0.875 7 X31 枳实 1.000 0
X12 川芎 0.278 6 X78 砂仁 0.181 2 X57 丹参 0.159 5
X53 桂枝 0.032 6


类别9 类别10 类别11 类别12
变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数
X68 白术 0.547 8 X18 旋覆花 0.576 1 X30 火麻仁 0.673 6 X3 茵陈 0.740 7
X76 陈皮 0.310 7 X5 沉香 0.497 5 X631 何首乌 0.669 5 X13 苍术 0.530 1
X83 山药 0.290 8 X18 罂粟壳 0.481 4 X25 威灵仙 0.575 5 X2 金钱草 0.461 0
X67 党参 0.224 7 X64 枳壳 0.109 2 X9 骨碎补 0.131 7 X34 山栀 0.166 7
X45 灵芝 0.171 1 X49 葶苈子 0.080 5 X8 肉苁蓉 0.113 4 X33 连翘 0.077 8
X70 太子参 0.143 9 X47 丝瓜络 0.053 0
X38 合欢皮 0.143 1 X55 川石斛 0.048 6
X23 木香 0.042 8


类别9 类别10 类别11
变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数 变量 标签 相关系数
X85 枸杞子 0.481 0 X73 柴胡 0.666 7 X80 赤芍 0.722 6
X28 杜仲 0.426 1 X58 郁金 0.610 9 X81 牡丹皮 0.594 3
X27 牛膝 0.415 8 X59 八月札 0.477 8 X79 桃仁 0.412 6
X42 熟地黄 0.383 7 X74 黄芩 0.321 3 X86 鳖甲 0.167 0
X6 女贞子 0.360 1 X82 当归 0.158 1 X43 北沙参 0.083 1
X7 垂盆草 0.032 4 X77 茯苓 0.097 4 X29 五味子 0.061 4
X66 山茱萸 0.277 2 X36 干蟾皮 0.070 1 X37 蛇莓 0.027 0
X48 大枣 0.243 5 X69 黄芪 0.057 7 X54 天花粉 0.012 4
X72 麦门冬 0.089 0 X35 夏枯草 0.031 8
X26 桑寄生 0.075 7 X56 半夏 0.012 3
X1 炙甘草 0.240 0
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