Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2010, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (4): 307-311.doi: 10.3736/jcim20100402
Special Issue: Traditional Chinese Medicine
• Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xing-jiang Xiong, Jie Wang, Qing-yong He
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李连达, 李贻奎 . 中药注射剂问题严重亟待解决[J]. 中国现代应用药学杂志, 2009,26(1):1-2 | |
[2] | Zhou CF, Cui JY . Related problems and countermeasures of traditional Chinese medicine injections[J]. Zhong Yi Za Zhi, 2008,49(7):647-650 |
周超凡, 崔京艳 . 中药注射剂的相关问题及对策[J]. 中医杂志, 2008,49(7):647-650 | |
[3] | Zhang L . Scientific and rational reflection on adverse reaction of traditional Chinese medicine injections[J]. Huan Qiu Zhong Yi Yao, 2009,2(2):157-158 |
张磊 . 科学理性看待中药注射剂不良反应事件[J]. 环球中医药, 2009,2(2):157-158 | |
[4] | Li YK, Zhang JY, Li LD . Discussion of countermeasures on TCM adverse reaction[J]. Zhongguo Xin Yao Za Zhi, 2008,17(4):265-267 |
李贻奎, 张金艳, 李连达 . 中药不良反应对策探讨[J]. 中国新药杂志, 2008,17(4):265-267 | |
[5] | Li LD, Li YK, Zhang JY . Some critical issues of safety study of Chinese drug injections[J]. Henan Zhong Yi, 2008,28(1):1-3 |
李连达, 李贻奎, 张金艳 . 中药注射剂安全性研究的关键问题[J]. 河南中医, 2008,28(1):1-3 | |
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李馨龄, 宋立刚, 刘颖, 柏燕军 . 中药注射剂安全性再评价企业应注意的问题[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2009,34(10):1326-1328 | |
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吴晔, 任经天, 颜敏, 郭晓昕, 张承绪, 曹立亚 . 六省市2001~2002年双黄连注射剂的临床使用情况调查[J]. 中国药物警戒, 2004,1(2):21 | |
[9] | Wang Y, Ji AM, Zhang ZY . Research progress of serious allergic reaction of traditional Chinese medicine injections and the reasearch of allergen screening strategy[J]. Zhongguo Yao Xue Za Zhi, 2008,43(13):9611 |
汪艳, 季爱民, 张忠义 . 中药注射剂致重症过敏反应研究进展及其致敏原筛查策略探究[J]. 中国药学杂志, 2008,43(13):9611 | |
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