Antitubercular agents,Isoniazid,Rifampicin,Pyrazinamide,Oxidative stress,Complementary therapies," /> Antitubercular agents,Isoniazid,Rifampicin,Pyrazinamide,Oxidative stress,Complementary therapies,"/>
Journal of Integrative Medicine ›› 2017, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 27-36.doi: 10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60319-4
• Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
Udhaya Lavinya Baskaran, Evan Prince Sabina
1 Sulkowski MS, Thomas DL, Chaisson RE, Moore RD.Hepatotoxicity associated with antiretroviral therapy in adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus and the role of hepatitis C or B virus infection. 2 De Lazzari E, León A, Arnaiz JA, Martinez E, Knobel H, Negredo E, Clotet B, Montaner J, Storfer S, Asenjo MA, Mallolas J, Miró JM, Gatell JM.Hepatotoxicity of nevirapine in virologically suppressed patients according to gender and CD4 cell counts. 3 O’Donohue J, Oien KA, Donaldson P, Underhill J, Clare M, MacSween RN, Mills PR. Co-amoxiclav jaundice: clinical and histological features and HLA class II association. 4 Larrey D, Vial T, Micaleff A, Babany G, Morichau- Beauchant M, Michel H, Benhamou JP.Hepatitis associated with amoxycillin-clavulanic acid combination report of 15 cases. 5 Kaplowitz N.Idiosyncratic drug hepatotoxicity. 6 Echevarria K, Datta P, Cadena J, Lewis JS 2nd. Severe myopathy and possible hepatotoxicity related to daptomycin. 7 Pawlowski A, Jansson M, Sköd M, Rottenberg ME, Källenius G.Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection. 8 Venkatesh KK, Swaminathan S, Andrews JR, Mayer KH.Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection: screening and treatment strategies. 9 Corbett EL, Watt CJ, Walker N, Maher D, Williams BG, Raviglione MC, Dye C.The growing burden of tuberculosis: global trends and interactions with the HIV epidemic. 10 Espinal MA, Laszlo A, Simonsen L, Boulahbal F, Kim SJ, Reniero A, Hoffner S, Rieder HL, Binkin N, Dye C, Williams R, Raviglione MC.Global trends in resistance to antituberculosis drugs. World Health Organization- International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Working Group on antituberculosis drug resistance surveillance. 11 Metushi IG, Cai P, Zhu X, Nakagawa T, Uetrecht JP.A fresh look at the mechanism of isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity. 12 Wen X, Wang JS, Neuvonen PJ, Backman JT.Isoniazid is a mechanism-based inhibitor of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2A6, 2C19 and 3A4 isoforms in human liver microsomes. 13 Mahatthanatrakul W, Nontaput T, Ridtitid W, Wongnawa M, Sunbhanich M.Rifampin, a cytochrome P450 3A inducer, decreases plasma concentrations of antipsychotic risperidone in healthy volunteers. 14 Rae JM, Johnson MD, Lippman ME, Flockhart DA.Rifampin is a selective, pleiotropic inducer of drug metabolism genes in human hepatocytes: studies with cDNA and oligonucleotide expression arrays. 15 Fernández-Villar A, Sopeñ B, Fernández-Villar J, Vázquez- Gallardo R, Ulloa F, Leiro V, Mosteiro M, Piñiro L.The infl uence of risk factors on the severity of antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity. 16 Hosford JD, von Fricken ME, Lauzardo M, Chang M, Dai Y, Lyon JA, Shuster J, Fennelly KP. Hepatotoxicity from antituberculous therapy in the elderly: a systematic review. 17 Roberts J, Tumer N.Age and diet effects on drug action. 18 Hunt CM, Westerkam WR, Stave GM.Effect of age and gender on the activity of human hepatic CYP3A. 19 Walter-Sack I, Klotz U.Influence of diet and nutritional status on drug metabolism. 20 Wilkinson GR.The effects of diet, aging and disease-states on presystemic elimination and oral drug bioavailability in humans. 21 Bidlack WR, Smith CH.The effect of nutritional factors on hepatic drug and toxicant metabolism. 22 Murray M.Altered CYP expression and function in response to dietary factors: potential roles in disease pathogenesis. 23 Lima Mde F, Melo HR.Hepatotoxicity induced by antituberculosis drugs among patients coinfected with HIV and tuberculosis. 24 McKoy JM, Bennett CL, Scheetz MH, Differding V, Chandler KL, Scarsi KK, Yarnold PR, Sutton S, Palella F, Johnson S, Obadina E, Raisch DW, Parada JP. Hepatotoxicity associated with long- versus short-course HIV-prophylactic nevirapine use: a systematic review and meta-analysis from the Research on Adverse Drug events And Reports (RADAR) project. 25 Sanne I, Mommeja-Marin H, Hinkle J, Bartlett JA, Lederman MM, Maartens G, Wakeford C, Shaw A, Quinn J, Gish RG, Rousseau F.Severe hepatotoxicity associated with nevirapine use in HIV-infected subjects. 26 Breen RA, Miller RF, Gorsuch T, Smith CJ, Schwenk A, Holmes W, Ballinger J, Swaden L, Johnson MA, Cropley I, Lipman MC.Adverse events and treatment interruption in tuberculosis patients with and without HIV co-infection. 27 Lauterburg BH, Velez ME.Glutathione deficiency in alcoholics: risk factor for paracetamol hepatotoxicity. 28 Ungo JR, Jones D, Ashkin D, Hollender ES, Bernstein D, Albanese AP, Pitchenik AE.Antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity. The role of hepatitis C virus and the human immunodefi ciency virus. 29 Wilke RA, Lin DW, Roden DM, Watkins PB, Flockhart D, Zineh I, Giacomini KM, Krauss RM.Identifying genetic risk factors for serious adverse drug reactions: current progress and challenges. 30 Huang YS, Chern HD, Su WJ, Wu JC, Lai SL, Yang SY, Chang FY, Lee SD.Polymorphism of the 31 Ohno M, Yamaguchi I, Yamamoto I, Fukuda T, Yokota S, Maekura R, Ito M, Yamamoto Y, Ogura T, Maeda K, Komuta K, Igarashi T, Azuma J.Slow 32 Higuchi N, Tahara N, Yanagihara K, Fukushima K, Suyama N, Inoue Y, Miyazaki Y, Kobayashi T, Yoshiura K, Niikawa N, Wen CY, Isomoto H, Shikuwa S, Omagari K, Mizuta Y, Kohno S, Tsukamoto K. 33 Sheng YJ, Wu G, He HY, Chen W, Zou YS, Li Q, Zhong L, Huang YM, Deng CL.The association between CYP2E1 polymorphisms and hepatotoxicity due to antituberculosis drugs: a meta-analysis. 34 Brito TC, Possuelo LG, Valim ARM, Todendi PF, Ribeiro AW, Gregianini TS, Jarczewski CA, Hutz MH, Rossetti MLR, Zaha A.Polymorphisms in CYP2E1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 and antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity. 35 Chatterjee S, Lyle N, Mandal A, Kundu S. 36 Gengiah TN, Botha JH, Soowamber D, Naidoo K, Abdool Karim SS.Low rifampicin concentrations in tuberculosis patients with HIV infection. 37 Song SH, Chang HE, Jun SH, Park KU, Lee JH, Lee EM, Song YH, Song J.Relationship between CES2 genetic variations and rifampicin metabolism. 38 Kim SH, Kim SH, Yoon HJ, Shin DH, Park SS, Kim YS, Park JS, Jee YK.TNF-α genetic polymorphism -308G/A and antituberculosis drug-induced hepatitis. 39 Gi guère V. Orphan nuclear receptors: from gene to function. 40 Moore LB, Parks DJ, Jones SA, Bledsoe RK, Consler TG, Stimmel JB, Goodwin B, Liddle C, Blanchard SG, Willson TM, Collins JL, Kliewer SA.Orphan nuclear receptors constitutive androstane receptor and pregnane X receptor share xenobiotic and steroid ligands. 41 Ihunnah CA, Jiang M, Xie W.Nuclear receptor PXR, transcriptional circuits and metabolic relevance. 42 Li F, Lu J, Cheng J, Wang L, Matsubara T, Csanaky IL, Klaassen CD, Gonzalez FJ, Ma X.Human PXR modulates hepatotoxicity associated with rifampicin and isoniazid cotherapy. 43 Shehu AI, Li G, Xie W, Ma X.The pregnane X receptor in tuberculosis therapeutics. 44 Quémard A, Lacave C, Lanéelle G.Isoniazid inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis by cell extracts of sensitive and resistant strains of 45 Singh N, Dubey S, Chinnaraj S, Golani A, Maitra A.Study of 46 Gröhagen-Riska C, Hellstrom PE, Fröeth B.Predisposing factors in hepatitis induced by isoniazid-rifampin treatment of tuberculosis. 47 Sarich TC, Youssefi M, Zhou T, Adams SP, Wall RA, Wright JM.Role of hydrazine in the mechanism of isoniazid hepatotoxicity in rabbits. 48 Pal R, Rana SV, Vaiphei K, Singh K.Isoniazid-rifampicin induced lipid changes in rats. 49 Martin SJ, Baskaran UL, Vedi M, Sabina EP.Attenuation of anti-tuberculosis therapy induced hepatotoxicity by 50 Baskaran UL, Sabina EP.The food supplement coenzyme Q10 and suppression of antitubercular drug-induced hepatic injury in rats: the role of antioxidant defence system, antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10. 51 Sodhi CP, Rana SV, Mehta SK, Vaiphei K, Attari S, Mehta S.Study of oxidative-stress in isoniazid-rifampicin-induced hepatic injury in young rats. 52 Andrade RJ, Robles M, Fernández-Castañer A, López- Ortega S, López-Vega MC, Lucena MI.Assessment of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in clinical practice: a challenge for gastroenterologists. 53 Berg JM, Tymoczko JL,Stryer L.Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymerase. In: Biochemistry. 5th ed. New York: W H Freeman and Company. 2002. 54 Anderson MS, Cote J, Liu Y, Stypinski D, Auger P, Hohnstein A, Rasmussen S, Johnson-Levonas AO, Gutstein DE.Effects of rifampin, a potent inducer of drugmetabolizing enzymes and an inhibitor of OATP1B1/3 transport, on the single dose pharmacokinetics of anacetrapib. 55 Byrne JA, Strautnieks SS, Mieli-Vergani G, Higgins CF, Linton KJ, Thompson RJ.The human bile salt export pump: characterization of substrate specifi city and identifi cation of inhibitors. 56 Baciewicz AM, Self TH.Rifamp in drug interactions. 57 Martínez E, Collazos J, Mayo J.Hypersensitivity reactions to rifampin. Pathogenetic mechanisms, clinical manifestations, management strategies, and review of the anaphylactic-like reactions. 58 Buergin S, Scherer K, Häusermann P, Bircher AJ.Immediate hypersensitivity to rifampicin in 3 patients: diagnostic procedures and induction of clinical tolerance. 59 Papastavros T, Dolovich LR, Holbrook A, Whitehead L, Loeb M.Adverse events associated with pyrazinamide and levofloxacin in the treatment of latent multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. 60 Shih TY, Pai CY, Yang P, Chang WL, Wang NC, Hu OY.A novel mechanism underlies the hepatotoxicity of pyrazinamide. 61 Steele MA, Burk RF, DesPrez RM. Toxic hepatitis with isoniazid and rifampin: a meta-analysis. 62 Amin A, Hamza AA.Oxidative stress mediates druginduced hepatotoxicity in rats: a possible role of DNA fragmentation. 63 Walubo A, Smith P, Folb PI.The role of oxygen free radicals in isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity. 64 Adebayo AJ, Adetokunbo OA, Kehinde AJ, Olamide AE, oluwatosin A. Microsomal lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activities in brain of male rats during long-term exposure to isoniazid. 65 Shuhendler AJ, Pu K, Cui L, Uetrecht JP, Rao J.Real-time imaging of oxidative and nitrosative stress in the liver of live animals for drug-toxicity testing. 66 Elmorsy E, Attalla SM, Fikry E, Kocon A, Turner R, Christie D, Warren A, Nwidu LL, Carter WG. Adverse effects of antituberculosis drugs on HepG2 cell bioenergetics. 67 Ahadpour M, Eskandari MR, Mashayekhi V, H aj Mohammad Ebrahim Tehrani K, Jafarian I, Naserzadeh P, Hosseini MJ. Mitochondrial oxidative stress and dysfunction induced by isoniazid: study on isolated rat liver and brain mitochondria. 68 Chowdhury A, Santra A, Bhattacharjee K, Ghatak S, Saha DR, Dhali GK.Mitochondrial oxidative stress and permeability transition in isoniazid- and rifampicin-induced liver injury in mice. 69 Portakal O, Ozkaya O, Erden Inal M, Bozan B, Koşan M, Sayek I.Coenzyme Q10 concentrations and antioxidant status in tissues of breast cancer patients. 70 Conklin KA.Coenzyme Q10 for prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. 71 Ankola DD, Viswanad B, Bhardwaj V, Ramarao P, Kumar MN.Development of potent oral nanoparticulate formulation of coenzyme Q10 for treatment of hypertension: can the simple nutritional supplements be used as fi rst line therapeutic agents for prophylaxis/therapy? 72 Lockwood K, Moesgaard S, Yamamoto T, Folkers K.Progress on therapy of breast cancer with vitamin Q10 and the regression of metastases. 73 Pal R, Rana S, Vaiphei K, Singh K.Effect of different doses of carotenoids in isoniazid-rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 74 Rana SV, Pal R, Vaiphei K, Ola RP, Singh K.Hepatoprotection by carotenoids in isoniazid-rifampicininduced hepatic injury in rats. 75 Hussain T, Gupta RK, K S, Khan MS, Hussain MD, Arif MD, Hussain A, Faiyazuddin MD, Rao CV. Evaluation of antihepatotoxic potential of 76 Tasduq SA, Singh K, Satti NK, Gupta DK, Suri KA, Johri RK.Terminalia chebula (fruit) prevents liver toxicity caused by sub-chronic administration of rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide in combination. 77 Pari L, Kumar NA.Hepatoprotective activity of 78 Gond NY, Khadabadi SS.Hepatoprotective activity of 79 Prabakan M, Anandan R, Devaki T.Protective effect of 80 Ravi V, Patel SS, Verma NK, Datta D, Saleem TM.Hepatoprotective activity of 81 Anbarasu C, Rajkapoor B, Kalpana J.Protective effect of 82 Samuel AJ, Mohan S, Chellappan DK, Kalusalingam A, Ariamuthu S. 83 Obogwu MB, Akindele AJ, Adeyemi OO.Hepatoprotective and 84 Rao ChV, Rawat AK, Singh AP, Singh A, Verma N. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of 85 Reddy GJ, Reddy VP, Sreepavani M, Rajaram C, Kumar SN, Kanhere RS.Evaluation of hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of 86 Mujahid M, Siddiqui HH, Hussain A, Hussain MS.Hepatoprotective effects of 87 Marasani A.Hepatoprotective activity of 88 Parameswari SA, Chetty CM, Chandrasekhar KB.Hepatoprotective activity of 89 Bais B, Saiju P.Ameliorative effect of 90 Dugasani SR, Saleem TSM, Sowjanya G, Gopinath C.Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract ofMussaenda philippica (stems) against antitubercular drugsinduced hepatotoxicity. 91 Adhvaryu MR, Reddy N, Parabia MH.Effects of four Indian medicinal herbs on isoniazid-, rifampicinand pyrazinamide-induced hepatic injury and immunosuppression in guinea pigs. 92 Jehangir A, Nagi AH, Shahzad M, Zia A.The hepatoprotective effect ofCassia fi stula (amaltas) leaves in isoniazid- and rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents. 93 Balakrishnan BR, Sangameswaran B, Bhaskar VH.Effect of methanol extract of 94 Doorika P, Ananthi T.Antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of 95 Palanisamy N, Manian S.Protective effects of 96 Zhang ZH, Wu HH, Xue G, Guo DN, Hou YN.Naringenin inhibits the upregulation of CYP 3A4 and attenuates the cellular toxicity induced by rifampicin and isoniazid in hepatocytes. 97 Qader GI, Aziz RS, Ahmed ZA, Abdullah ZF, Hussain S.Protective effects of quercetin against isoniazid- and rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 98 Ambrose SS, Solairaj P, Subramoniam A.Effectiveness of ellagic acid on isoniazid-rifampicin-induced liver damage in rats. 99 Victorrajmohan C, Pradeep K, Karthikeyan S.Infl uence of silymarin administration on hepatic glutathione-conjugating enzyme system in rats treated with antitubercular drugs. 100 Eminzade S, Uraz F, Izzettin FV.Silymarin protects liver against toxic effects of antituberculosis drugs in experimental animals. 101 Singh M, Sasi P, Gupta VH, Rai G, Amarapurkar DN, Wangikar PP.Protective effect of curcumin, silymarin and 102 Shih TY, Young TH, Lee HS, Hsieh CB, Hu OY.Protective effect of methanolic extract of 103 Nicoletti NF, Rodrigues-Junior V, Santos AA Jr, Leite CE, Dias AC, Batista EL Jr, Basso LA, Campos MM, Santos DS, Souto AA.Protective effects of resveratrol on hepatotoxicity induced by isoniazid and rifampicin 104 Floyd ZE, Wang ZQ, Kilroy G, Cefalu WT.Modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ stability and transcriptional activity in adipocytes by resveratrol. 105 Zhang G, Zhu J, Zhou Y, Wei Y, Xi L, Qin H, Rao Z, Han M, Ma Y, Wu X.Hesperidin alleviates oxidative stress and upregulates the multidrug resistance protein 2 in isoniazidand rifampicin-induced liver injury in rats. |
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