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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2003, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (4): 268-272.doi: 10.3736/jcim20030412

Special Issue: Acupuncture & Moxibustion

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Clinic reaseach on heroin de-addiction effects of acupuncture and its potentiality of preventing relapse

Jun-mei Wu1(), Dong-yan Wei2, Yong-fen Luo1, Xiao-yong Xiang3   

  1. 1. Acupuncture and Tuina College,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu,Sichuan Province 610075,China
    2. Department of Acupuncture,No.5 Peoples Hospital of Sichuan Province,Chengdu,Sichuan Province 610031,China
    3. Chengdu Hospital of Psychic Diseases,Chengdu,Sichuan Province 610091,China
  • Received:2003-04-14 Online:2003-12-20 Published:2003-12-20


To compare the effects of de-addiction with the therapy of acupuncture, acupuncture plus opium, opium plus buprenorphine and opium plus Han's instrument for de-addiction and to study the effects of the four therapeutic methods on the protracted withdrawal syndrome and craving.


The effects of de-addiction were assessed with the opiate withdrawal scale and the craving degree with visual analogue scale (VAS).


The dominance of acupuncture treatment for withdrawal syndrome appeared to be after the 6th day, and the dominance for controlling craving showed after the 8th day, moreover, there were little side effects.


Acupuncture treatment had the potentiality of preventing relapse and could be used for treating the protracted withdrawal syndrome and psychic dependence during the period between the stages of abstinence and rehabilitation.

Key words: acupuncture therapy, heroin dependence, substance withdrawal syndrome, clinical studies

CLC Number: 

  • R163.3


治疗时间 针刺(n=30) 阿片加针刺(n=30) 阿片加丁丙诺啡(n=30) 阿片加韩氏戒毒仪(n=30)
第1天 54.07±17.29 55.37±26.40 47.60±31.60 44.63±22.62
第2天 50.07±17.90 52.80±26.31 43.30±26.16 56.67±26.01
第3天 33.15±13.72△△ 43.53±24.23 40.40±24.14 52.43±23.73
第4天 22.00±13.39△△ 31.13±19.35 33.00±21.92 41.70±26.41
第5天 17.67±13.40△△ 21.03±11.27△△ 25.50±17.86 36.30±24.42
第6天 12.37±9.81*△△ 16.10±9.81△△ 22.80±14.78 31.63±24.42
第7天 8.77±9.58**△△ 11.20±7.62**△△ 24.30±15.90 22.77±22.40
第8天 7.07±6.98**△△ 9.17±7.19**△△ 20.27±17.85 20.10±19.27
第9天 4.87±5.02**△△ 7.63±6.32**△△ 19.67±16.39 17.53±18.25
第10天 2.63±2.95**△△ 4.70±4.38**△△ 17.07±12.89 14.27±16.63
第11天 1.73±1.72**△△ 3.33±3.25**△△ 18.00±12.51 13.77±15.52


副反应症状 针刺(n=30) 阿片加针刺(n=30) 阿片加丁丙诺啡(n=30) 阿片加韩氏戒毒仪(n=30)
头昏 0 1(3.3) 2(6.7) 2(6.7)
头痛 0 1(3.3) 1(3.3) 1(3.3)
恶心呕吐 0 0 0 1(3.3)
口干 1(3.3) 2(6.7) 3(10) 3(10)
便秘 0 1(3.3) 2(6.7) 1(3.3)
血压降低 0 0 1(3.3) 0
呼吸减慢 0 0 1(3.3) 0
兴奋和激越 0 0 1(3.3) 0
得分值 0.07±0.37 0.23±0.57 0.43±0.63 0.33±0.61


治疗时间 针刺(n=30) 阿片加针刺(n=30) 阿片加丁丙诺啡(n=30) 阿片加韩氏戒毒仪(n=30)
第1天 63.15±31.35 58.43±34.86 47.40±35.62 62.98±33.96
第2天 46.27±31.54 50.25±35.84 42.91±33.21 54.71±35.30
第3天 25.61±21.71 35.90±29.32 36.07±31.67 42.58±37.94
第4天 27.37±31.45 23.36±24.01 26.70±29.14 36.83±36.53
第5天 21.53±27.29 16.09±19.05 28.00±29.40 25.23±29.85
第6天 13.10±21.02 12.78±18.14 22.85±25.52 15.95±25.40
第7天 8.73±15.09 4.61±11.75 17.80±22.86 15.18±27.29
第8天 4.25±9.37** 4.39±11.14** 21.50±29.35 9.23±17.81*
第9天 6.00±12.55 3.62±10.49 13.70±22.26 6.53±13.03
第10天 2.22±7.49* 1.73±8.38* 10.75±17.56 5.67±12.00
第11天 1.90±6.17** 1.40±6.93** 16.57±21.65 5.40±11.54**
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