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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2009, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1): 1-8.doi: 10.3736/jcim20090101

• Original Clinical Research •     Next Articles

Prescription rules of Chinese herbal medicines in treatment of gastric cancer

Wen Cao , Ai-guang Zhao   

  1. First Department of Oncology, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200032, China
  • Received:2008-05-14 Accepted:2008-07-22 Online:2009-01-20 Published:2009-01-15

Analysis of the nature, tastes, channel distributions and effects of the frequently used herbal medicines in the prescriptions involved in the clinical literatures about treatment of gastric cancer published from 1988 to 2007 was made in the paper. The literatures were categorized into three types: 1) treatment of middle- and late-stage gastric cancer; 2) prevention and treatment of the recurrence and metastasis after operation; 3) Chinese herbal medicines combined with chemotherapy for enhancing efficacy and reducing toxicity. The most frequently used herbal medicines in the three literature types were qi-invigorating herbs, such as Atractylodes, Astragalus, Codonopsis, Glycyrrhiza and Ginseng, etc. The herbal medicines for promoting urination to subside swelling such as tuckahoe and Semen Coicis, etc were used more frequently than the herbal medicines for regulating qi such as dried orange peel and putchuck, etc, as well as for clearing away heat to remove toxin such as spreading hedyotis herb, Herba Scutellariae Barbatae, yangtao actinidia root, and Rhizoma Paridis, etc. From another angle, the most frequently used herbal medicines for the treatment of gatric cancer were those cold, warm and neutral in nature, sweet, bitter and pungent in taste, and distributed to spleen and liver channels.

Key words: Gastric cancer, Chinese herbal drugs, Fomula composing principles


药物类别 次数 频率 药物类别 次数 频率
补气 281 80.3% 温化寒痰 107 30.6%
利水消肿 203 58.0% 补阴 103 29.4%
理气 177 50.6% 活血止痛 90 25.7%
清热解毒 157 44.9% 破血消癥 66 18.9%
补血 120 34.3% 消食 64 18.3%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
补气和利水消肿 0.000 利水消肿和破血消癥 0.000 补血和温化寒痰 0.364
补气和理气 0.000 利水消肿和消食 0.000 补血和补阴 0.152
补气和清热解毒 0.000 理气和清热解毒 0.122 补血和活血止痛 0.004
补气和补血 0.000 理气和补血 0.000 补血和破血消癥 0.000
补气和温化寒痰 0.000 理气和温化寒痰 0.000 补血和消食 0.000
补气和补阴 0.000 理气和补阴 0.000 温化寒痰和补阴 0.821
补气和活血止痛 0.000 理气和活血止痛 0.000 温化寒痰和活血止痛 0.196
补气和破血消癥 0.000 理气和破血消癥 0.000 温化寒痰和破血消癥 0.001
补气和消食 0.000 理气和消食 0.000 温化寒痰和消食 0.000
利水消肿和理气 0.037 清热解毒和补血 0.009 补阴和活血止痛 0.326
利水消肿和清热解毒 0.000 清热解毒和温化寒痰 0.000 补阴和破血消癥 0.002
利水消肿和补血 0.000 清热解毒和补阴 0.000 补阴和消食 0.000
利水消肿和温化寒痰 0.000 清热解毒和活血止痛 0.000 活血止痛和破血消癥 0.028
利水消肿和补阴 0.000 清热解毒和破血消癥 0.000 活血止痛和消食 0.027
利水消肿和活血止痛 0.000 清热解毒和消食 0.000 破血消癥和消食 0.923


药物 次数 频率 药物 次数 频率
白术 205 58.6% 半枝莲 44 12.6%
黄芪 169 48.3% 丹参 38 10.9%
茯苓 168 48.0% 砂仁 38 10.9%
党参 138 39.4% 麦冬 37 10.6%
甘草 137 39.1% 木香 37 10.6%
半夏 113 32.3% 藤梨根 34 9.7%
陈皮 109 31.1% 麦芽 34 9.7%
当归 93 26.6% 延胡索 34 9.7%
白花蛇舌草 90 25.7% 川芎 32 9.1%
薏苡仁 76 21.7% 五灵脂 32 9.1%
白芍 63 18.0% 枸杞 31 8.9%
莪术 49 14.0% 熟地黄 31 8.9%
人参 45 12.9% 重楼 31 8.9%


药性 次数 构成比
12 46.2%
7 26.9%
6 23.1%
1 3.8%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
温和寒 0.150 温和凉 0.000 寒和凉 0.055
温和平 0.080 寒和平 0.749 平和凉 0.104


药味 次数 频率
15 57.7%
13 50.0%
9 34.6%
2 7.7%
2 7.7%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
甘和苦 0.815 苦和辛 0.424 辛和淡 0.065
甘和辛 0.286 苦和淡 0.007 辛和酸 0.065
甘和淡 0.000 苦和酸 0.003 淡和酸 1.000
甘和酸 0.001


归经 次数 频率
18 69.2%
13 50.0%
10 38.5%
8 34.6%
8 30.8%
5 19.2%
2 7.7%
膀胱 1 3.8%
大肠 1 3.8%
三焦 1 3.8%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
脾和肝 0.359 肝和大肠 0.002 心和肾 0.549
脾和肺 0.039 肝和三焦 0.002 心和胆 0.070
脾和胃 0.022 肺和胃 1.000 心和膀胱 0.039
脾和心 0.021 肺和心 0.754 心和大肠 0.039
脾和肾 0.004 肺和肾 0.227 心和三焦 0.039
脾和胆 0.004 肺和胆 0.039 肾和胆 0.453
脾和膀胱 0.000 肺和膀胱 0.012 肾和膀胱 0.219
脾和大肠 0.000 肺和大肠 0.012 肾和大肠 0.219
脾和三焦 0.000 肺和三焦 0.012 肾和三焦 0.219
肝和肺 0.664 胃和心 1.000 胆和膀胱 1.000
肝和胃 0.503 胃和肾 0.388 胆和大肠 1.000
肝和心 0.267 胃和胆 0.039 胆和三焦 1.000
肝和肾 0.039 胃和膀胱 0.008 膀胱和大肠 1.000
肝和胆 0.003 胃和大肠 0.008 膀胱和三焦 1.000
肝和膀胱 0.000 胃和三焦 0.008 大肠和三焦 1.000


药物类别 次数 频率 药物类别 次数 频率
补气 93 78.2% 破血消癥 36 30.3%
利水消肿 63 52.9% 活血止痛 34 28.6%
理气 54 45.4% 温化寒痰 30 25.2%
清热解毒 54 45.4% 化湿 24 20.2%
补血 38 31.9% 补阴 24 20.2%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
补气和利水消肿 0.000 利水消肿和化湿 0.000 补血和破血消癥 0.888
补气和理气 0.000 利水消肿和补阴 0.000 补血和活血止痛 0.152
补气和清热解毒 0.000 理气和清热解毒 1.000 补血和温化寒痰 0.332
补气和补血 0.000 理气和补血 0.044 补血和化湿 0.059
补气和破血消癥 0.000 理气和破血消癥 0.025 补血和补阴 0.038
补气和活血止痛 0.000 理气和活血止痛 0.003 破血消癥和活血止痛 0.883
补气和温化寒痰 0.000 理气和温化寒痰 0.000 破血消癥和温化寒痰 0.471
补气和化湿 0.000 理气和化湿 0.000 破血消癥和化湿 0.134
补气和补阴 0.000 理气和补阴 0.000 破血消癥和补阴 0.073
利水消肿和理气 0.272 清热解毒和补血 0.060 活血止痛和温化寒痰 0.659
利水消肿和清热解毒 0.298 清热解毒和破血消癥 0.008 活血止痛和化湿 0.164
利水消肿和补血 0.002 清热解毒和活血止痛 0.015 活血止痛和补阴 0.184
利水消肿和破血消癥 0.000 清热解毒和温化寒痰 0.003 温化寒痰和化湿 0.418
利水消肿和活血止痛 0.000 清热解毒和化湿 0.000 温化寒痰和补阴 0.461
利水消肿和温化寒痰 0.000 清热解毒和补阴 0.000 化湿和补阴 1.000


药物类别 次数 频率 药物类别 次数 频率
补气 19 82.6% 熄风止痉 6 26.1%
利水消肿 14 60.9% 补阴 5 21.7%
清热解毒 14 60.9% 温化寒痰 5 21.7%
理气 12 52.2% 化瘀止血 5 21.7%
补血 7 30.4% 清热凉血 5 21.7%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
补气和利水消肿 0.125 利水消肿和化瘀止血 0.064 补血和熄风止痉 1.000
补气和清热解毒 0.180 利水消肿和清热凉血 0.035 补血和补阴 0.687
补气和理气 0.065 清热解毒和理气 0.804 补血和温化寒痰 0.754
补气和补血 0.002 清热解毒和补血 0.092 补血和化瘀止血 0.754
补气和熄风止痉 0.002 清热解毒和熄风止痉 0.077 补血和清热凉血 0.625
补气和补阴 0.000 清热解毒和补阴 0.022 熄风止痉和补阴 1.000
补气和温化寒痰 0.000 清热解毒和温化寒痰 0.035 熄风止痉和温化寒痰 1.000
补气和化瘀止血 0.003 清热解毒和化瘀止血 0.035 熄风止痉和化瘀止血 1.000
补气和清热凉血 0.001 清热解毒和清热凉血 0.012 熄风止痉和清热凉血 1.000
利水消肿和清热解毒 1.000 理气和补血 0.267 补阴和温化寒痰 1.000
利水消肿和理气 0.754 理气和熄风止痉 0.109 补阴和化瘀止血 1.000
利水消肿和补血 0.143 理气和补阴 0.092 补阴和清热凉血 1.000
利水消肿和熄风止痉 0.057 理气和温化寒痰 0.039 温化寒痰和化瘀止血 1.000
利水消肿和补阴 0.022 理气和化瘀止血 0.092 温化寒痰和清热凉血 1.000
利水消肿和温化寒痰 0.022 理气和清热凉血 0.118 化瘀止血和清热凉血 1.000


药物类别 次数 频率 药物类别 次数 频率
补气 169 81.3% 补阴 74 35.6%
利水消肿 126 60.6% 温化寒痰 72 34.6%
理气 111 53.4% 活血止痛 52 25.0%
清热解毒 89 42.8% 消食 39 18.8%
补血 75 36.1% 补阳 33 15.9%


比较组 P 比较组 P 比较组 P
补气和利水消肿 0.000 利水消肿和消食 0.000 补血和补阴 1.000
补气和理气 0.000 利水消肿和补阳 0.000 补血和温化寒痰 0.851
补气和清热解毒 0.000 理气和清热解毒 0.057 补血和活血止痛 0.005
补气和补血 0.000 理气和补血 0.001 补血和消食 0.000
补气和补阴 0.000 理气和补阴 0.001 补血和补阳 0.000
补气和温化寒痰 0.000 理气和温化寒痰 0.000 补阴和温化寒痰 0.927
补气和活血止痛 0.000 理气和活血止痛 0.000 补阴和活血止痛 0.033
补气和消食 0.000 理气和消食 0.000 补阴和消食 0.000
补气和补阳 0.000 理气和补阳 0.000 补阴和补阳 0.000
利水消肿和理气 0.119 清热解毒和补血 0.223 温化寒痰和活血止痛 0.054
利水消肿和清热解毒 0.000 清热解毒和补阴 0.172 温化寒痰和消食 0.000
利水消肿和补血 0.000 清热解毒和温化寒痰 0.132 温化寒痰和补阳 0.000
利水消肿和补阴 0.000 清热解毒和活血止痛 0.000 活血止痛和消食 0.182
利水消肿和温化寒痰 0.000 清热解毒和消食 0.000 活血止痛和补阳 0.032
利水消肿和活血止痛 0.000 清热解毒和补阳 0.000 消食和补阳 0.519
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