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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2008, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (10): 1029-1033.doi: 10.3736/jcim20081008

• Original Experimental Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Sisheng Decoction on spontaneous activity and serum concentration of malondialdehyde in mice with yin deficiency sydrome

Su-fang Zhang1,2, Zhe Chen1, Bai Li1, Hong-yun Chen1, Chang-quan Ling1, Xin-yu Wen3()   

  1. 1. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
    2. Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University, Shanghai 200433, China
    3. Department of Biochemistry, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100088, China
  • Received:2008-03-04 Online:2008-10-20 Published:2008-10-15


To assess the therapeutic effects of Sisheng Decoction, a compound traditional Chinese herbal medicine, on a mouse model of yin deficiency syndrome induced by thyroid hormone, and to make the preliminary study on its mechanisms.


Simultaneous modeling and treatment were carried out. Sixty mice were randomly divided into six groups: normal group, yin deficiency model group, low-, medium- and high-dose Sisheng Decoction group and Shengmai oral liquid group. Normal group and yin deficiency model group were administered with double distilled water. Spontaneous activity and serum concentration of malondialdehyde in different groups were detected.


The symptoms of yin deficiency syndrome such as xerostomia, dysphoria and fervescence were improved in the Sisheng Decoction groups. Compared with the yin deficiency model group, the spontaneous activity was increased and the serum concentration of malondialdehyde was decreased in the Sisheng Decoction groups (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the Sisheng Decoction groups and the Shengmai oral liquid group (P<0.05).


Medium- or high-dose Sisheng Decoction is effective for nourishing yin, clearing heat, engendering liquid and allaying thirst. The above effects of Sisheng Decoction may be realised by improving the spontaneous activity and resisting oxidative damage.

Key words: Sisheng Decoction, yin deficiency, physical activity, antioxidants, mice

CLC Number: 

  • R730.7

Table 1

Average quantity of food and water of mice in different groups (x±s)"

Group n Average quantity of food (g) Average quantity of water (ml)
Normal 10 67.62±5.09 47.20±5.73
Yin deficiency model 10 70.92±4.76 56.60±6.54*
Shengmai oral liquid 10 65.53±4.39 59.10±9.99*
Low-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 56.82±5.35*△▲ 55.30±8.73*
Medium-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 63.47±5.23 53.20±11.57
High-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 63.58±4.19 52.50±9.65

Table 2

Body weight of mice in different groups (x±s, g)"

Group n Day 0 Day 5 Day 10
Normal 10 22.35±1.60 28.95±2.55 33.43±4.24
Yin deficiency model 10 22.50±1.87 28.19±3.47 31.67±4.56
Shengmai oral liquid 10 22.65±1.33 28.80±2.68 32.35±3.29
Low-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 22.85±1.11 27.87±1.64 31.92±2.90
Medium-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 22.90±1.37 28.03±1.83 31.48±1.87
High-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 23.00±1.73 28.12±1.44 32.48±2.94

Table 3

Rectal temperature of mice in different groups (x±s, ℃)"

Group n Day 0 Day 5 Day 10
Normal 10 36.96±0.18 37.79±0.43 37.13±0.33
Yin deficiency model 10 36.89±0.53 38.23±0.46* 37.99±0.24*
Shengmai oral liquid 10 36.60±0.74 37.88±0.27 37.52±0.46
Low-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 36.87±0.39 37.45±0.37△▲ 37.48±0.53
Medium-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 37.16±0.43 37.47±0.45△▲ 37.41±0.53
High-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 37.07±0.51 37.52±0.35△▲ 37.45±0.23

Table 4

Spontaneous activity of mice in different groups (x±s)"

Group n Activity frequency
(frequency/5 min)
Activity time
(s/5 min)
Average velocity
Normal 10 74.20±9.43 212.87±31.60 22.58±5.73
Yin deficiency model 10 75.80±6.51 166.95±23.84* 14.56±3.21*
Shengmai oral liquid 10 79.90±8.50 170.07±27.95* 14.64±3.69*
Low-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 76.40±12.39 166.76±29.20* 14.17±3.99*
Medium-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 77.00±7.54 215.45±14.02△▲ 22.42±3.08△▲
High-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 79.60±10.11 208.31±15.08△▲ 20.26±3.31△▲

Table 5

Serum concentration of MDA of mice in different groups (x±s, μmol/L)"

Group n MDA
Normal 10 1.88±0.32
Yin deficiency model 10 2.91±0.84*
Shengmai oral liquid 10 2.09±0.41△△
Low-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 2.30±0.48
Medium-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 2.05±0.34△△
High-dose Sisheng Decoction 10 2.19±0.4
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