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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2010, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (7): 678-683.doi: 10.3736/jcim20100712

• Literature Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mathematical analysis of the relationship between yang deficiency syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine and its objective indicators in clinical literature

 Rui Jina,Qian Linb,Sen-mao Liub, Qian Zhaoa, Qian Zhanga, Bing Zhanga   

  1. a School of Chinese Materia Medica, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China
    b School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Received:2010-02-05 Online:2010-07-20 Published:2010-07-15
  • Contact: Qian Lin ,Bing Zhang;


The primary aim of this research is to systematically sort out and analyze available documents for yang deficiency syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, providing innovative ideas and methods for statistical study of yang deficiency syndrome.

Based on the China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI) and Chongqing VIP databases, using “yang deficiency”, “deficiency cold”, and “patient” as keywords, we searched literature of clinical researches and used “ratio-comparison” and “accumulation comparison” to analyze objective data after data preprocessing. Relative importance value of physiological and biochemical parameters were reflected by P value calculated by ratio-comparison or Q value by accumulation comparison.

With calculation of relative importance values of clinical indicators among various systems, we got the ranking of relative importance of different indexes. Triiodothyronine and urine 17-hydorxycorticosteroid of endocrine system, immunoglobulin A of immune system, and the ratio of cyclic adenosine monophosphate to cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which had great |P| (or |Q|) values and negative P (or Q) values, had a clearly lower level in yang deficiency patients than in the control; hemorheological indicators such as plasma viscosity, whole blood reduced viscosity and erythrocyte electrophoresis time had small |P| (or |Q|) values. These indicators, however, showed less importance for reflecting yang deficiency.

Ratio-comparison method and accumulation comparison method employed in this study have merits of efficiency and robustness. After detailed compiling and mining of all available data, we have made reasonable advice on the most relevant index of yang deficiency for further study of the essence of this syndrome.

Key words: Yang deficiency, Literature sorting, Ratio-comparison, Accumulation comparison

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