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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2011, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (8): 838-846.doi: 10.3736/jcim20110805

• Methodology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A mathematical model for re-analysis of the relationship between essence of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine and clinical biochemical indicators based on the residual-split method and its application

Rui Jin1, Bing Zhang1(), Sen-mao Liu2, Chun-miao Xue1, Qian Zhao1   

  1. 1. School of Chinese Materia Medica, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China
    2. School of Mathematical Science, Peking University, Beijing 101871, China
  • Received:2011-01-20 Accepted:2011-04-11 Online:2011-08-20 Published:2011-08-15

Studying the essence of syndromes (Zheng) in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a fundamental challenge in basic theoretical research of TCM. The relationship between any given syndrome and biochemical indicators is one of the important aspects of the study. As the indexes selected in each study are specific to a particular Western medical disease diagnosis, and the disease factor is inevitably introduced into the study, the effect of disease factor on the index changes cannot be assessed effectively by traditional data processing methods. This is known as “the same syndrome with different reasons”, which has resulted in confusion in TCM research. This study aimed at providing a mathematical tool to address this issue. Based on information theory and the residual-split method, the syndrome information, which was covered in the index variation, was quantitatively calculated in this paper as an independent part of the disease factor. A mathematical model capable of objectively assessing and statistically testing the effect of the syndrome factor on the index changes was established. Applying this model to literature data of studies on the relationship between cyclic nucleotides and yang-deficiency syndrome showed following results. First, the values of yang-deficiency syndrome information were negative for cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) while positive for cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in all included literature. This indicated that the group of yang-deficiency syndrome was correlated with an obvious trend of reduced cAMP levels and increased cGMP levels. Second, the statistical test results of yang-deficiency syndrome information of the two indexes were different among the literature included. The quality of original data was considered as a possible reason. Third, the significant differences between the yang-deficiency group of a specific disease and the normal group may, in some cases, be caused by a disease factor rather than a syndrome factor. The mathematical model provided a reasonable mathematical tool for the analysis of disease factor and syndrome factor in clinical research of TCM, suggesting that the mathematical model may give rise to innovative ideas and methods in the study of syndromes.

Key words: mathematical model, essence of syndrome, residual split, yang deficiency, cyclic nucleotides


Table 2

Literature information"

No. Lead author Time Disease Case load Syndrome
1 Kuang et al[10] 1980 Primary hypertension 35 Yang-deficiency
2 Bi et al[11] 1981 Chronic nephritis 44 Deficiency of kidney yang
3 Kuang et al[12] 1981 Coronary heart disease 25 Yang-deficiency
4 Liao et al[13] 1982 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 54 Deficiency of kidney yang (1)
Deficiency of spleen yang (2)
5 Kuang et al[14] 1982 Acute myocardial infarction 114 Yang-deficiency
6 Ding et al[15] 1996 Chronic renal failure 58 Deficiency of kidney yang
7 Li et al[16] 2004 Chronic heart failure 68 Yang-deficiency
8 Yan et al[17] 2005 Chronic bronchitis 89 Deficiency of kidney yang (1)
Deficiency of spleen yang (2)
9 Dong et al[18] 2005 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 92 Deficiency of lung yang

Table 3

Results of cyclic adenosine monophosphate"

No. Results of original literature Results of mathematical analysis
x(Z)±s(Z) x(n) x(d) P1 value x(d) ?Z tZHENG P2 value
1 19.54±7.4 23.30 21.46 –1.92 –1.35 0.186
2 24.28±11.46 23.72 >0.05 26.84 –2.56 –1.77 0.084
3 20.78±2.11 24.47 >0.05 21.28 –0.50 –2.94 0.007
4(1) 31.70±12.69 22.56 <0.05 30.22 1.48 0.96 1.481
4(2) 27.89±16.14 22.56 >0.05 30.22 –2.33 –0.63 0.529
5 22.73±6.38 23.56 23.46 –0.73 –1.48 0.139
6 24.18±7.13 22.38 <0.05 26.41 –2.23 –2.96 0.004
7 18.17±10.83 16.68 >0.05 16.85 1.32 0.64 0.522
8(1) 13.82±1.02 18.36 >0.05 14.91 –1.09 –8.75 <0.001
8(2) 13.84±1.02 18.36 >0.05 14.91 –1.07 –5.91 <0.001
9 22.02±5.26 24.503 >0.05 23.19 –1.17 –2.61 0.011

Table 4

Results of cyclic guanosine monophosphate"

No. Results of original literature Results of mathematical analysis
x(Z)±s(Z) x(n) x(d) P1 value x(d) ?Z tZHENG P2 value
1 7.39±2.73 5.95 7.22 >0.05 0.17 0.27 0.792
2 Missing
3 12.05±1.25 6.80 >0.05 11.29 0.76 8.54 <0.001
4(1) 3.38±2.02 4.71 3.79 –0.41 –1.35 0.182
4(2) 5.6±4.04 4.71 3.79 1.81 2.65 0.011
5 14.93±7.63 6.65 <0.01 12.62 2.31 5.43 <0.001
6 7.68±3.71 4.47 <0.01 6.78 0.90 2.58 0.013
7 19.51±9.36 5.74 <0.01 15.17 4.34 1.79 0.077
8(1) 5.42±0.3 4.44 <0.01 4.63 0.79 24.77 <0.001
8(2) 4.11±0.27 4.44 <0.01 4.63 –0.52 –11.16 <0.001
9 5.626±1.187 3.813 <0.01 4.75 0.87 8.42 <0.001
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