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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2009, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (6): 557-562.doi: 10.3736/jcim20090612

• Original Experimental Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Protective effect of catechin on renal microvessels in 5/6 nephrectomized rats and its mechanism

Yan Caoa,Xiao-jie Hea,Wei Xiangb,Zhu-wen Yi a   

  1. a Laboratory of Pediatric Nephropathy, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, Hunan Province, China
    b Department of Pediatrics,People’s Hospital of Hainan Province,Haikou 570311, Hainan Province, China
  • Received:2008-12-30 Accepted:2009-03-02 Online:2009-06-20 Published:2009-06-15


To investigate the effects of catechin on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, angiotensin Ⅱ(Ang Ⅱ) content and microvessel density (MVD) in renal tissues of 5/6 nephrectomized rats.

Sixty SD rats were divided into 3 groups: sham-operated group, untreated group and catechin group. Animal model was reproduced by 5/6 nephrectomy. After 8- and 12-week administration, rats were sacrificed. Renal MVD was measured by immunohistochemical method with CD34 marking. Activities of ACE in plasma and renal cortices were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, and Ang Ⅱ contents in plasma and renal cortices were measured by radioimmunoassay. Glomerular sclerosis index (GSI) and tubule interstitial score (TIS) were calculated by semiquantitative integration with hematoxylin and eosin staining and periodic acid-Schiff staining.

After 8- and 12-week administration, the GSI and TIS in the catechin group were much less than those in the untreated group (P<0.05, P<0.01). MVDs around glomerulus and tubule at the end of the 8th and 12th week in the untreated group and the catechin group were much less than those in the sham-operated group (P<0.01). The ACE activities and Ang Ⅱcontents in plasma and renal cortices in the catechin group were much less than those in the untreated group (P<0.01). By Pearson correlation analysis, we found that MVD had negative correlation with GSI, TIS, Ang Ⅱ content, and ACE activity(P<0.01), however, the ACE activity and Ang Ⅱ content had positive correlation with GSI, TIS (P<0.01).

Catechin can prevent the 5/6 nephrectomized rats from decreasing of MVD and inhibit the progress of glomerular sclerosis and interstitial fibrosis by inhibiting the activity of ACE and reducing the production of Ang Ⅱ.

Key words: Catechin, Microvessel density, Angiotensin II, Angiotensin-converting enzyme, Rats

Figure 1

Pathological changes of renal tissues in rats after 12-week treatment observed by light microscope (HE staining, ×200) A: Sham-operated group; B: Untreated group; C: Catechin group."

Table 1

Pathological changes of renal tissues in rats after 8- and 12-week treatment(x±s)"

Group n GSI TIS
8 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks
Sham-operated 10 6.24±0.96 11.75±0.49 0.14±0.02 0.19±0.04
Untreated 10 73.56±4.38** 114.72±5.91**▲▲ 3.78±0.17** 5.63±0.25**▲▲
Catechin 10 51.07±3.75**△△ 79.87±4.33**△▲▲ 2.04±0.12**△△ 3.76±0.47**△▲

Figure 2

MVD changes of renal tissues in rats after 12-week treatment observed by light microscope (DAB coloration, ×200) A: Sham-operated group; B: Untreated group; C: Catechin group."

Table 2

MVD changes of renal tissues in rats after 8- and 12-week treatment(x±s, numbers/mm2)"

Group n Renal glomerulus Renal tubule
8 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks
Sham-operated 10 46.32±2.90 48.84±3.77 700.14±36.02 692.21±25.66
Untreated 10 25.38±1.82** 14.26±1.01**▲▲ 403.78±10.12** 335.23±15.25**▲▲
Catechin 10 36.28±3.62**△△ 24.96±1.18**△△▲▲ 512.80±16.12**△△ 468.76±11.28**△△▲

Table 3

ACE activity and Ang Ⅱ content of plasma in rats after 8- and 12-week treatment (x±s)"

Group n ACE (U/L) Ang Ⅱ(ng/L)
8 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks
Sham-operated 10 38.25±2.58 42.32±3.09 348.8±13.7 359.6±15.2
Untreated 10 96.54±5.17** 113.56±9.36**▲▲ 764.8±31.2** 868.6±43.5**
Catechin 10 68.27±4.63**△△ 85.32±6.95**△△▲▲ 579.8±28.7**△△ 648.8±23.6**△△▲

Table 4

ACE activity and Ang Ⅱ content of renal cortices in rats after 8- and 12-week treatment (x±s)"

Group n ACE (U/mg) Ang Ⅱ(pg/mg)
8 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks
Sham-operated 10 41.95±3.77 45.84±3.68 208.5±11.2 216.8±9.9
Untreated 10 148.89±8.66** 176.58±7.78** 578.8±23.6** 748.8±35.6**
Catechin 10 89.54±4.70**△△ 108.68±7.78**△△ 411.4±20.7**△△ 446.8±23.0**△△
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