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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2011, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (9): 933-936.doi: 10.3736/jcim20110902

Special Issue: Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Relationship between symptom stratification and syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine for depressive episode

SuiYue Hu, Su E Wang, Chun Hu Zhang()   

  1. Institute of Integrative Medicine, Key Research Unit of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Peopled Republic of China for Liver Organ in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008,Hunan Province,China
  • Received:2011-05-09 Accepted:2011-05-25 Online:2011-09-20 Published:2011-09-15
  • Contact: Chun Hu Zhang

On the basis of medical literature review and clinical research experience, the authors analyzed the reasons for low recognition rate of depression and poor progress of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) differentiation of depression in this paper and put forward that depressive episode symptoms and the corresponding common terminology classification of Chinese and Western medicine should be the breakthrough points. Through symptom stratification and combination, as well as distinguishing between primary and secondary symptoms, the comprehensive integrative medicine clinical assessment of depression was explored so as to further obtain expert consensus and provide a methodology reference for the TCM differentiation of depression and the research of etiology and pathogenesis.

Key words: depression, seizures, neurobehavioral manifestations, syndrome classification, etiological factors (TCM), pathogenesis (TCM)


分层 症状诊断标准 供选择的对应性名词术语
(1)兴趣丧失、无愉快感 高兴不起来、度日如年、空虚、兴趣索然、离群索居、自我封闭、愁眉苦脸、冷漠、无笑容

(2)精力减退或疲乏感 力不从心、无精打采、精神萎靡、疲乏无力(倦怠乏力)、懒惰(懒散)、数欠伸
(4)自我评价过低、自责,内疚感 自卑、自责、自罪、罪恶感、内疚
(5)联想困难或自觉思考能力下降 思维迟缓、优柔寡断、犹豫不决、说话缓慢、少语寡言、胆怯易惊
(6)反复出现想死的念头或有自杀、自伤行为 活着没意思、生不如死、悲观消极、自伤、悲观厌世、轻生念头、欲寻短见、痛不欲生、悲痛欲绝
生物学症状群 (7)睡眠障碍 入睡困难、少寐、多梦易醒、早醒、睡眠过多(嗜卧少动)
(8)食欲降低或体重明显减轻 食欲下降、食不甘味、纳差、纳呆、体重下降(消瘦)、面黄肌瘦、营养不良
(9)性欲减退 性欲减退、阳痿、快感缺失、闭经
其他症状群 焦虑症状 坐立不安、心烦意乱、胸闷、气短、心悸、出汗、尿频、肢体颤抖、惊恐

精神病性症状 幻觉、幻听、妄想(由重到轻为:被害、罪恶、牵连、疑病、虚无、贫穷)、妄见妄闻、多疑善惑


实证类 虚或虚实夹杂类
常见证型 肝郁气滞、肝郁痰阻

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