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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine ›› 2008, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (7): 690-694.doi: 10.3736/jcim20080706

• Original Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Laws of syndrome element combination in stable angina pectoris: a study based on cluster analysis and corresponding-correlation analysis

Jie Wang, Qing-yong He()   

  1. Department of Cardiology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China
  • Received:2007-12-25 Online:2008-07-20 Published:2008-07-15
  • Contact: HE Qing-yong

Objective: To study the classification of common symptoms and the laws of syndrome element combination in 251 cases of stable angina pectoris (SAP) by using cluster analysis and corresponding-correlation analysis.
Methods: A total of 251 SAP cases were selected and their information from four diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine was recorded. The classification of common symptom and the laws of syndrome element combination were investigated by cluster analysis and corresponding-correlation analysis.
Results: Twenty-five symptoms found in 251 SAP cases were divided into four types by cluster analysis: deficiency of heart qi, deficiency of spleen qi, deficiency of qi and yin, and phlegm accumulation and blood stasis. The deficiency of heart qi had the closest relation to phlegm accumulation and blood stasis. By corresponding-correlation analysis, the deficiency of qi had the closest relation to blood stasis, next was turbid phlegm and heat stagnation, and then deficiency of qi and deficiency of yin.
Conclusion: Blood stasis due to deficient qi is the key factor in pathogenesis of SAP. Deficiency of qi plus blood stasis, deficiency of qi plus deficiency of yin, blood stasis plus turbid phlegm, deficiency of heart qi plus blood stasis plus turbid phlegm are common syndrome element combinations of SAP. It is proved that cluster analysis and corresponding-correlation analysis are the proper methods for studying laws of syndrome element combination.

Key words: cluster analysis, corresponding-correlation analysis, angina pectoris, symptom complex

CLC Number: 

  • R541.42

Table 1

Relationship between syndrome and syndrome (correlation coefficient)"

Syndrome Deficiency
of heart qi
of spleen qi
of qi and yin
Phlegm accumulation
and blood stasis
Deficiency of heart qi 1.000 00 0.122 56 0.282 81 0.300 35
Deficiency of spleen qi 0.122 56 1.000 00 0.116 97 0.051 42
Deficiency of qi and yin 0.282 81 0.116 97 1.000 00 0.154 03
Phlegm accumulation and blood stasis 0.300 35 0.051 42 0.154 03 1.000 00

Table 2

A corresponding frequency distribution between syndrome element and syndrome element"

Syndrome element Qi stagnation Blood stasis Turbid phlegm Heat stagnation Qi deficiency Yin deficiency Yang deficiency
Qi stagnation 42 38 10 10 14 12 3
Blood stasis 38 164 45 34 126 47 26
Turbid phlegm 10 45 68 19 41 14 14
Heat stagnation 10 34 19 40 23 9 8
Qi deficiency 14 126 41 23 159 62 24
Yin deficiency 12 47 14 9 62 91 16
Yang deficiency 3 26 14 8 24 16 39

Table 3

Correlation distance between syndrome element and syndrome element"

Syndrome element Qi stagnation Blood stasis Turbid phlegm Heat stagnation Qi deficiency Yin deficiency Yang deficiency
Qi stagnation 0.000 00 0.855 45 1.183 15 0.944 92 1.124 72 1.524 39 1.487 34
Blood stasis 0.855 45 0.000 00 0.538 36 0.498 18 0.258 60 0.624 98 0.641 42
Turbid phlegm 1.183 15 0.538 36 0.000 00 0.271 46 0.626 29 1.059 84 0.540 85
Heat stagnation 0.944 92 0.498 18 0.271 46 0.000 00 0.686 59 1.107 95 0.768 22
Qi deficiency 1.124 72 0.258 60 0.626 29 0.686 59 0.000 00 0.434 52 0.487 72
Yin deficiency 1.524 39 0.624 98 1.059 84 1.107 95 0.434 52 0.000 00 0.792 38
Yang deficiency 1.487 34 0.641 42 0.540 85 0.768 22 0.487 72 0.792 38 0.000 00

Figure 1

Public load factors between syndrome element and syndrome element"

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